52: Yet You Know.

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Leo couldn't take Elizabeth to her room – his card could only take the elevator up to the seventh floor. He sighed and looked at Elizabeth – who looked lost. He couldn't leave her on her own. He decided to take her with him and asked her, "Will – will it be okay if – um – if – you wait in my room?" Elizabeth turned her head to look at Leo – who hesitantly continued, "I am only saying this because you don't have the card to your room and I don't have your brother and father's number – uh – maybe wait in my room while I get to your brother," Leo was hesitant – he was nervous. He didn't want her to feel like he was trying to get her back – although that is what he wants he can't force himself on her. Elizabeth was silent while the elevator took them up to his room. She turned to look at him, "Did I not cry when my mother died?" She asked softly. Her eyes glossed and her voice wobbled.

Leo didn't expect her to ask him this question – his eyes went from her bandaged wounds to her sparkly eyes – he thought that maybe if he will not answer her at all – she will let go but how could he forget that he was talking to Elizabeth – she doesn't let go easily, "Tell me – did I not even shed a single tear?" She asked again. Leo sighed, "I think – you should talk about this with your family – I am in no place of telling you anything," Leo said and look ahead – waiting for the elevator to take them to his room. Fortunately for him, the elevator stopped at his floor and he looked at Elizabeth – who never took her eyes off him. He gulped – he could see the pain in her eyes. She was suffering. Leo smashed his lips, "Come on let's go," He said. He was trying not to touch her but when he tried to place his hand on her shoulder – she brushed it away, "No, don't touch me. I am not going with you." Her words cut him deep.

Just some time ago – she couldn't stay away from him and now – she is pushing him away – it was not less than a nightmare for Leo. Leo didn't want to make her feel any awful so, he stepped back a little and nodded, "I am sorry but we need to get out of the elevator – people are calling it and we are delaying it." He told her. "You don't want to wait in my room – I get it but at least we step out of the elevator," He said to her. "There is a waiting area on each floor – we can wait for Silas and Owen there," Leo added. Elizabeth blinked as tears burned her eyes. Leo was right – they were delaying it for others, so without a word, she and Leo stepped out of the elevator.

As Leo and Elizabeth walked side by side – Elizabeth was limping and hissed when she felt pain in her thigh – her wounds aren't healed yet – she was supposed to be on rest but she was restless – everything around her changed – how was she supposed to act as if everything is alright? Nothing was okay. In her childhood, she used to dream like this – she used to dream about scenarios she didn't want to be a part of but in the end – she would wake up and everything would to its normal but here – there is no waking up. For Elizabeth, this was turning into a never-ending nightmare. "You shouldn't have left your room, Elizabeth. You are hurt and in pain," Leo spoke after a pause – he was trying to make himself stop from talking to her as it only upsets her more – but he was too concerned to do so.

Elizabeth looked at Leo – she doesn't remember being with him but she has been told what had happened. She was already agitated by the fact that everyone was hiding things from her. "A lot of things shouldn't have happened, Leo. But they did and see – what happened to me because of it," She told him hotly. Elizabeth's words were like a knife to his heart – Leo wasn't stupid – he knows that Elizabeth was talking about their relationship. By seeing the look on Leo's face – Elizabeth realized that she spoke wrong – she opened her mouth to apologize but Leo beat her to it, "Sit here – I will go and ask my father to call Silas – I don't have his number," He said and after he made sure Elizabeth got to the couch – he walked to his room.

As soon as he turned his back to Elizabeth – Leo's eyes glossed. He never thought things would turn so bitter in just a matter of weeks. Elizabeth was right – they shouldn't have gotten together – they weren't made for each other. He gulped down the lump in his throat and went to his room. His father was already in the room – he looked at his son and was about to ask Leo how was his day but Leo looked in hurry, "Dad, please give me Silas's number." He asked urgently. Franklin knitted his eyebrows together – "What is wrong, Leo?" He asked. Leo sighed, "Everything," he replied but Franklin didn't get it. Leo continued, "I found Elizabeth in the parking area and she doesn't have the card to get to her room – she is waiting out in the hall – anyway, I need to call Silas to come and get her," Leo said his father. "What? What happened? Why didn't you bring her in?" He asked and got on his feet. Leo looked at his father and sighed, "Believe me, I tried." He answered short.

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