28: The Help Fay Needs

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The weekend ended quickly for Elizabeth and in a blink of an eye, it was Monday again. She woke up early, had breakfast at a café near her office but all that time – she couldn't stop thinking about Leo. This weekend was probably the best one yet for her. She had a smile plastered on her face since she woke up and it was pretty noticeable when she reached work. She didn't talk to Leo after he left and Elizabeth was okay with it – they want to take it slow and don't want Leo to feel pressured. Leo has finally started to open up a little and Elizabeth doesn't want to bring it back to zero again – she likes this pace and hopes for her relationship with him to work. It is all too new for her and thinking about having a relationship with Leo Wayne gives her tingles – not once did she ever think that she will be having such feelings for Leo. The feeling and his presence were still foreign for her and she is sure it isn't comfortable for Leo either – there is still uneasiness between the two of them and she is hoping to overcome it in the coming days.

"That smile tells me you had an amazing weekend," Elizabeth heard Mosa and turned around to look at him. She chuckled, "It was nice," she nodded her head. Mosa grinned, "I believe it was more than just nice," He teased. She couldn't help but smile before she tugged her hair behind her ear. "It was great, actually." she shrugged. Mosa grinned, "Did somebody help you make your weekends great?" He wiggled his eyebrows funnily. Elizabeth couldn't help but chuckle, "What?" She asked him. Mosa narrowed his eyes, "Oh, was it, Dr. Wayne? He was looking at you in a very peculiar manner at the party at your apartment," He pointed out. Elizabeth turned her head to him, "He was? Really?" She asked. Mosa wordless raised his eyebrow at which Elizabeth rolled her eyes, "And no, I was not with him." She lied effortlessly.

She doesn't know what it is between her and Leo and she doesn't want to fuel the gossip about them when even she isn't too certain about her relationship with him. Elizabeth shrugged, "I just had a very relaxing weekend after a long time," it wasn't a lie – she was relaxed. Although she didn't see Leo yesterday, still she was at ease knowing that he will be there if she will ever need him – she didn't feel lonely for the first time since the death of her mother. Mosa chuckled, "Alright, well – I had a great time at your place the other day." He said. Although, Elizabeth knew he was just being polite because her party was boring – she nodded her head and thanked him. He was about to say something when Fayette walked in.

Both of them turned around to look at her. Fay glanced at them and passed right by them. She looked different. Her clothes were wrinkled and a little dirty, her hair was a mess and face had a bit of smudged make upon. Also, her eye was a little swollen. It looked like she didn't wash her face or combed her hair – she is not usually like this and therefore it concerned Elizabeth. She looked at Mosa to see him already looking at Fayette with his eyebrows drawn together. Elizabeth recalled the time she saw them in the parking area where she witnessed Fay slapping Mosa. She didn't bring herself to ask them the reason, but she has been curious. Mosa sighed, "Well, I should get to work." He said to Elizabeth with a small smile before he was gone and engaged himself in work.

Elizabeth walked towards Fayette and mashed her lips as she saw her wiping her face with a tissue. Fay looked at Elizabeth and offered her a small smile, "Hey, good morning." She greeted. It doesn't matter how much she tried to sound cheery – she couldn't. Elizabeth returned the smile, "Hey – morning to you too." She greeted back and paused, "Fay, are you alright?" Elizabeth asked. Fay bit her lower lip before she looked back at Elizabeth – still pretending to be okay. "Yes, everything's fine – why? Do I not look okay?" She asked Elizabeth as she straightened her tied hair with her hand. Fay paused and let out a nervous chuckle, "Actually, I woke up late this morning and didn't have the time to change or eat – I just rushed to work." She added.

No matter how much Elizabeth wanted to believe Fay – she couldn't, but– she smiled and nodded her head. "Alright, let me know if you need anything." Elizabeth offered to which Fay nodded her head with a smile before she untied her hair and once again tied them in a high ponytail. Elizabeth sighed and turned around to see Mosa already looking at Fayette with a frown on his face. He looked concerned and was Elizabeth – she can feel the Fayette was not okay. Elizabeth decided to talk to Fay in private when Mosa is not around because obviously, she doesn't feel comfortable around him. With that thought, she went back to work.

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