70: Elizabeth's Realization.

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Leo couldn't do it. He couldn't tell her what happened between him and Jennifer – even though he was not at fault here, but yet he felt guilty and the longer he was keeping this information from Elizabeth – the heavier he felt. He so badly wanted to tell her but when she told him that she was looking after Maria's wedding – Leo decided to keep it from her. He knows what will happen. With Jennifer being a part of this wedding – it would have been very difficult for Elizabeth to be around her knowing what happened that night. Also, knowing Elizabeth's temper – Leo doubted that she would let Jennifer make Maria's cake after she knows and even though, Leo was made at Jennifer for kissing him – knowing that he was in love with Elizabeth – he didn't want to ruin one good chance to boost her business, especially after all the crisis she has been going through.

Leo had taken Liam to a theme park where Liam couldn't stop talking about New York he told all his friends that his dad was taking him for vacation. Leo guesses it will be a vacation for him and he hopes that Liam or Sharon doesn't feel out of place among the Harrisons. "You know, Daniel, asked me to bring him the statue of liberty for him. I told him that was silly –," While Liam was going on and on while he and Leo were at fast food joint – enjoying a greasy meal. Leo couldn't concentrate on Liam's words – his mind kept wandering off to Elizabeth. In a few weeks, he will finally see Elizabeth but at the same time – he had this fear and guilt eating him up – scared because he doesn't want to lose her again and guilty because he didn't want to lie to her either. He heaved a sigh. He doesn't know what he will do.

After lunch and having some ice cream – Leo sleeping Liam off to her grandmother's place. He put him in the bed and covered him up before he left his room. Sharon thanked Leo for taking Liam out as she couldn't do it because of her knee and back pain. As Leo was about to leave – Sharon called ut his name causing him to stop, "Leo, wait." Leo turned around to look at her. A sad smile lingered on her lips and that was an indication for him that she was going to talk about Mia – he doesn't know if he was ready to but he couldn't cut off Sharon. Leo wordlessly stood while Sharon struggled to form a sentence. Leo sighed and folded his arm to his chest and chuckled softly, "It is okay, Sharon. You can tell me that you went to see Mia. She is your daughter." He pointed out. Sharon mashed her lips together and exhaled, "I did," she nodded. She gulped as tears formed in her eyes, "Although, she looked weaker and more tired – I could still see the flame in her eyes when she asked me to tell you that she wants to see you and Liam. She is my daughter, Leo, but I am scared to even let her close to Liam. I don't know what kind of impact will that put on the boy," Sharon told him. Leo licked his lower and looked down before he replied, "Sharon, I don't think I can ever see her without losing my temper. It is better if I stay away from her. As if for Liam – I think – maybe you should talk to him and see if he likes to see her," Leo suggested hesitantly – he didn't want him to see that woman again but she was his mother, if he ever wants to see her – he will never stop him. Sharon shook her head, "I didn't ask him and he didn't even listen to me before he refused. I saw the fear in his eyes. That completely broke me," Sharon's voice wobbled.

Elizabeth looked at the locked door and sighed. She took her cellphone out of her pocket and pouted her lips out. She wondered if he should call or text – but she didn't want to disturb him either. She smashed her lips as the smile refused to slip off her face. She couldn't believe that she went with her plan. Just twenty-four hours ago, she didn't even think that she would see Leo before the wedding and now here she stood, in Chicago – outside his apartment – waiting for him to return. Just yesterday, she and Maria were discussing the cake and decorations when Maira told her that she had yet to talk to Jennifer about it and Elizabeth jumped in – immediately offered to personally go and see Jennifer. Maria didn't object either – she knew the real purpose behind that offer. Elizabeth wanted to see Leo – Maria urged that it was a good idea and made sure she goes to Chicago and she did. Twenty-four hours later – there she was – waiting to surprise him.

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