35: Don't Be Sorry For How You Feel.

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Leo stared back at Mia, who had tears running down her face. Little did he know – she was still hoping for them to be together. Even after numerous times where Leo clearly stated that nothing could happen between the two of them. Leo sighed, "Mia," He literally had nothing else to say. He cares deeply for Mia and Liam, but never once he felt attracted towards her ever since Ian passed. What he did all those years ago when Ian was still alive was a big mistake and he remembers telling Mia that it could never happen again and she agreed. Since then, he has always kept himself distant and tried not to pass on any sign which makes her feel like Leo is interested in her, and yet there they are – in the situation, Leo was afraid of ever since he made a big mistake of sleeping with Mia all those years ago.
Leo knows that he can't run away from this forever. He ran his fingers through his hair, "Mia, we have to talk this out," he said to her. Mia snuffled and looked away before she sighed and looked back at him, "I know whatever you will say will only hurt me, so I think it is better if we don't say anything." Her voice wobbled. Leo knitted his eyebrows together and stepped closer to her, "Mia, I really care for you," he spoke softly. Mia pressed her lips together and curled her hands into a fist, "But I don't only want you to care for me, Leo! I want you to love me!" she raised her voice. Her voice echoed through the parking lot. Leo is sure that the guard must have heard Mia's voice and he knows that he has to avert Mia someplace private.

Leo sighed and rubbed his eye, "Mia, can we please go upstairs to my apartment and talk?" Leo asked her softly as he slowly paced towards her. Mia stared right back at him quietly – she gulped and pressed her lips together before she shook her head and snuffled, "I can't," His voice broke before she sighed and wiped the tears off her face. She looked away from him and chuckled, "God, I am so stupid," she looked down embarrassingly. She covered her face with her hands for a second before she sniffled and pushed her hair off her face, "I have to go. Liam is with the sitter. I really have to go," she said without looking at him.

Leo brought his eyebrows together. He could see how embarrassed Mia really was, but he really needed to talk and clear the air. "Can I please at least drop you off?" He asked her. She glanced at him and shook her head, "No, I can go by myself," she replied but Leo wasn't taking no for an answer, "Please, Mia – let me drop you off." He pressed. She looked at him again – by now she had stopped crying and sighed. "Alright," she replied softly after a small pause. Leo offered her a small smile which she didn't return. Leo cleared his throat and waved his hand towards his parked car. Without exchanging words Leo and Mia get inside his car and wordlessly Leo started the car and drove towards Mia's place.

Usually, they would be talking all the way through but it wasn't the case this time. They were silent and there was a visible tension between the two of them. Leo would glance towards her while driving, but Mia refused to look at her. She kept looking out of the car. Leo decided not to push her to talk to him right now and drove towards her apartment silently. After a brief drive, they reached her place. She didn't hesitate to get out of the car before Leo could say anything. Without even thanking him for the ride – she strolled away from him while he watched her sprint. Leo battled while he stayed in the car. He wasn't sure if he should follow her in or shall he drive back to his place and come back later when Mia is ready to talk. He leaned back to his seat and closed his eyes for a brief second before he decided to go after her. If he doesn't talk to her now – things might get complicated between them and he doesn't want that, so he parked the car and got out of it before he walked towards her apartment.

Leo didn't expect her to be thrilled to see him at her door and that was exactly the case. She frowned as she opened the door after she heard the bell goes off. She sighed and stood by the door – blocking his way in, "Leo, I told you – not tonight. I am tired. Can we please not do this now?" She asked. Leo wanted to reply to her, but he was beaten to it by Liam's voice, "Dad, is that you?!" Liam said. Leo's eyes went from Mia to Liam who stood behind her with a big grin on his face. Leo couldn't help but smile when he saw him and chuckled, "Yes, buddy." He replied. Liam didn't care that his mother was blocking the way – he lightly pushed her aside and lunged at him. Leo grinned and hugged Liam back. He really did adore this boy.

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