31: Screw The Rules

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It was awkward to walk back into the apartment with the pizza boxes in Elizabeth's hands. She placed the boxes on the coffee table and went to knock at Fayette's door. No one knew about Leo and her till now, but now Fayette saw them together and Elizabeth had to make sure that she doesn't tell this to anybody at least until they know where they are going with their relationship and when they are comfortable to tell others as well. Right now it is too early for both of them to label their relationship and to announce it off to people. Elizabeth sighed and knocked at the door, "Hey Fayette," she called her out. After a few seconds Fayette slowly opened the door as her eyes went behind Elizabeth seeking the Leo perhaps. Elizabeth chuckled, "He is gone. You can come out now," she replied amusingly. It was funny for Elizabeth how Fayette was more nervous than she was.

Fayette smiled apprehensively as she slowly steps out the room while pushing her hair back behind her ear, "Uh – I didn't know you were expecting a company," she softly spoke to which Elizabeth chuckled, "Believe me, I wasn't. He just showed up unannounced." she replied to her. There was an awkward pause between the two of us as we stood silently looking around. Elizabeth sighed, "Uh, the pizza is here – let's eat. I am hungry." Elizabeth said to her with an uneasy chuckle. Fayette only smiled back and nodded her head. Both of them sat on the couch and started to eat pizza while the television was on. None of them talked when both of them were uncomfortable with the uneasiness in the air.

After a few minutes and a slice later, Elizabeth turned to Fayette who had her eyes on the television, but she knew Fay wasn't paying attention to what was coming on. "Uh, well –" Elizabeth started which made Fayette look at her. Elizabeth licked her lips, "The thing between Leo and me." She started slowly. "Well, you see – we aren't exclusive yet – I mean, we haven't told anyone yet, so –" Elizabeth didn't have to complete as Fayette smiled softly and nodded her head, "Don't worry about it – I am not going to tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me." She answered her. Elizabeth smiled – she liked how Fayette wasn't being the nosy one when she must have questions in her head. Luckily for Elizabeth, the tension in the air slowly diminished and soon they were talking about work and other random stuff and completely ignored how Fayette witness the intimate moment between her and Leo.

The next morning Elizabeth woke up to the sweet smell of pancakes with a hint of the bitter smell of coffee – it took her back to when she used to live with her parents in London. It has been so long since she woke up by the smell of breakfast being made. She smiled and sat straight as she stretched her limbs. Even though she asked Fayette not to bother herself by making breakfast for them – she was still in the kitchen. Elizabeth sighed and walked out of the room to see Fayette putting plates on the table. Fayette looked at Elizabeth and smiled, "Hey, you are up. Come on, I made breakfast." She told Elizabeth. Elizabeth smiled, "You really shouldn't have bothered," She said. She didn't feel good that Fay was making breakfast for her. It felt like she is doing it because she was staying at her apartment for free.

Fayette smiled, "Oh no, I like making my breakfast, so I made it for you too. Uh, you told me yesterday that you don't know how to cook, so I made it for you too," she shrugged. Elizabeth smiled as she rubbed her eyes, "Thank you so much, Fay. Give me half an hour – I will take a shower and be right back." She told Fay who smiled, "Sure, take your time." She replied before Elizabeth turned around and went back into her room. She came back after showering and changing into her work clothes. She walked hastily towards the table and smiled, "God, I can't remember the last time I had homemade breakfast," Elizabeth said as she sat on the table where Fayette was already seated. Fayette lowered her cup of coffee and smiled, "I am glad I could make you breakfast – especially after how much you have done for me," She added.

Elizabeth waved her hand dismissively, "I am very glad to have you with me – I will not lie, I don't like living alone. Before coming to Chicago, I was so excited to move in alone, but turns out it is so much harder," Elizabeth replied. Fayette smiled and nodded her head, "You are right, things are not always like we predicted it to be. Sometimes we just fancy something and make up a good picture of that in our mind, but later when we live through it – that's when we face the reality. And it often sucks," She replied. Elizabeth could tell that Fayette was talking in another reference, but she didn't dare to question it. It is too soon for that.

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