Chapter 50

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"I'd like to know the truth now."

He turned to see both of their eyes. They looked uncomfortable. "If you don't want to, you could tell me later..?"

"No, no. You're right. It'll be easier on all of us if we told you now." Connie said. "Yeah." Greg added. There was a brief pause. "I'll go first." Greg said. Connie and Steven nodded. He took a quick sip of his water. "Sorry to be blunt, but the gems think that you.. Corrupted yourself." Steven froze. So, it was corruption. "I sort of figured that when I saw myself in the mirror. But I didn't really want to think about it." Steven said. "And what do you mean I corrupted myself? Is that possible?" His father looked conflicted. "I.. don't really know much about gem stuff to help you with this. But I guess it might be possible."

Connie nodded. "You seemed.. upset, to say the least when you came to me." She added. Steven looked at the floor. "What happened next..?" He asked. "You disappeared. We managed to get you back a few times, but you escaped, before finally.. corrupting fully." Greg said. A few images flashed in his mind. What could've he looked like corrupted? "How'd you guys uncorrupt me?" Steven asked, curious. "The cluster basically beat you up. But we before that, we tried everything. Getting water from Roses Fountain, getting help from the Diamonds.." Connie responded.

"Huh." Steven said. If the water at his mothers fountains and the Diamonds couldn't help him, it must've been bad. "What else happened? To you, and the gems, I mean." Connie and his father made eye contact, and he could tell that they had a lot to tell him. "Well, I need you to promise to try not to freak out, kiddo." His dad said. Steven tensed. That wasn't a good sign.

He reluctantly nodded. "Alright." His dad said. "There's no easy way to say this, but.. During the fight with you, Amethyst was.. shattered." Steven froze. He.. shattered her? Shattered Amethyst? But.. but he couldn't of. Surely not? No, no no-

He felt a hand grab his shoulder, and he realised that he was hyperventilating. "I'm sorry." A voice said, although he couldn't tell who it belonged to. Wait-

Wait, wait. He could bring he back. Surely he could. He brought Jasper back, why not her? It had to work. It had to. He tried to calm himself, counting to 10 in his head. He blinked, and realised that his dad and Connie were staring at him worriedly. "I'm good." He said.

"Steven, it's ok to feel sad. We'll both be here for you." Connie said softly, reaching out to take his hand. "No, I am ok. Really. I'd like for you to continue telling me about what happened." Steven said. Connie looked at him with concern. "Well, that's all that we really heard. You destroyed most of Beach City, but it's all been fixed. Also, you did managed to get a chunk of wood stuck in my leg, but it's better now." She said hurriedly.

"Oh no.. I hurt you? How bad was it? Was there a lot of blood? Did-" "Hey, hey. I'm good now. My mother treated me so my legs fine." Connie explained, cutting him off. Steven rubbed his head. He shattered Amethyst, and hurt Connie. He could've easily healed both of them if he were there and not corrupted. (Or so he hoped)

"How're you feeling after all of this? Do you need a nap? A drink, or food? I can do whatever you want. I know it's a lot, hearing all of this so suddenly." His dad said, moving his hand from his shoulder. "I feel fine. Did you know if the gems.. kept Amethyst after she was shattered?" He asked. If didn't feel right saying it out loud. Hopefully it wouldn't be true for much longer.

"I think they did. Are you.. are you sure you're ready to see them?" Connie asked. Steven nodded, and got up. "Well, I think they might be out on a mission. They've been.. out a lot lately. Me and Greg haven't seen them in a little while." Connie said.

"I guess we'll just have to go back to the temple. We can wait for them there." Steven said, stretching his arms slightly. Connie nodded. "We can take my van, if you guys would like. I don't see your car- Wait, Steven, how'd you get here?" His dad asked.

"Oh, I walked." He replied casually. "You walked?!" His dad yelled. "You should be careful, we don't know what could happen to you so soon after-" "It was just a small walk, I should be fine." Steven cut in. Greg gave him a slightly annoyed look. "Well, anyway, let's just get back. We don't want to miss the gems." Greg sighed.


Steve glanced around the temple, however, it still appeared empty. "Well, I guess we have nothing better to do then wait." He said, sitting on the couch. "Well, that's a bit annoying." Connie added, sitting next to him. His dad soon joined them.

They sat in silence for a little while, none of them really having any idea what to say. "Well," Steven finally said, breaking the silence. "Do you guys.. have any idea where they might've put Amethyst?" Connie shrugged. "They let us know they kept her, but I don't know where." His dad said.

"Hm." Steven said, crossing his arms. Connie turned to look at him. "Why are you so interested in seeing her, anyway?" Steven opened his mouth to answer. Then closed it. He couldn't tell her he was going to bring it back. If it failed (which it wouldn't), then he would've gotten her hopes up. He also might be getting his own up-

"I just.. want to say good-bye." He said. "Oh. Oh! I'm sorry, sorry, I should've thought of that." Connie apologised, leaning back into the couch. "It's fine." Steven insisted. Then, they were once again thrown into silence. This silence, though, was quickly broken again.

"I've been meaning to ask you this, but are those horns on your head?" Connie asked suddenly. "Oh, yeah. They are, I think. I forgot about them." Steven answered, poking them. They felt cold. "It makes me wonder what I looked like corrupted."

"I'll bet Ronaldo took a photo." Connie said. "Yeah." Steven said with a laugh. But he noticed Connie was staring at his head. Oh. "Do you.. want to touch them..?" He asked, gesturing to the tiny, pale pink horns. "Is it ok if I do?" She asked. Steven nodded, which prompted her to slowly reach out and poke one. This made Steven realise that he didn't feel anything when he, or Connie touched them. That was probably good, since they seem that they could easily be harmed.

"They're pretty cold. Didn't expect that." Connie said, retracting her hands. "They are. I noticed that too." He said. "Also pretty pointy. You could stab someone with those things!" She said. Steven smiled and jokingly pretended to waved his head around, as if he were attacking an enemy.

Connie burst out laughing, and Steven joined in, momentarily forgetting about the reason they were there. That was, until, the warp pad began to glow, a blue hue filling up the room. "They're here!" Steven said, sitting up as the figure of Garnet and Pearl began to form.

Oh goodness, I finally released this chapter! I wanted to make it longer, but I wanted to end it on a cliffhanger.. sorry! I'll try to make the next ones longer!

- Salty

Truth finally coming out

A boy feeling a lot of doubt

Refusing to accept what he was told

Yet to fix it, he needed something to hold.

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