Chapter 44

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Connie stared fearfully up at the beast before. She would no longer consider this.. monster.. Steven. Steven was kind, and caring to all around him. This thing was only out to hurt them, and destroy the city. It took another step, and and Connie began to shake in fear. Is Garnets plan almost ready?

I don't know how much longer I can sit here. This is terrifying! She shifted slightly, getting into a position where she could easily get up if she did have to run. The monster noticed, and took a larger step forward. One more step, and it'd be right in front of her.

Connie's mouth hung open, and she was considering if she needed to call Garnet. Would she even hear me over this rain? She thought sadly. But S- the beast stood one step away from being able to reach over and eat her. Wait.. She leaned forward slightly, and stared deeply into its glowing eyes.

What is that.. She.. she could see something. But she couldn't identify what. It was on the tip of her tongue, and then she lost it as multicoloured water was thrown onto Steven. He rapidly began to back up, the water chains which once held him in place snapped. (If water even can snap. She thought.)

His tail thumped against the ground, and he shook his head violently side to side. If he wasn't a terrifying monster and a small animal like a dog, she probably would've laughed. His scales once again started to glow, and she heard the panicked yells of Garnet. "Quick!"

What's going on? She was confused, but had a sinking feeling in her gut as the horns grew brighter and brighter. Steven stopped shaking his head and turned to look at her, his pupils much larger than before. A low growl escaped his throat, and he peeled back his lips to reveal a few rows of surprisingly sharp teeth. But then again, he is a monster, but..

I have a feeling... something bad is about to happen. She carefully stood up, and the monster quickly opened his mouth... only to fall to the ground as a giant hand hit him in the back of the ground with a thump. Connie gasped, stumbling backwards slightly as he hit the sand.

And, speaking of sand, as he hit the ground, it flew everywhere. Thinking quickly, Connie fell to the ground and opened the umbrella, stopping the wave of sand from (mostly) hitting her, cringing as a few bits stuck to her wet clothes. Thankfully though, the rain washed a little bit off.

"Phew, good work, team!" A voice praised. She recognised it as Pearls. As the sand dispersed, she saw the gems standing near the monsters head. "Oh, Connie! Are you alright?" Garnet asked, walking over. "U-uh, yes. I think so." She responded, quickly checking her body to make sure she had no more wounds.

"Good." Garnet said. "And you were so brave. If I were a fragile human, I would be scared- no, terrified, standing in front of something like this." Connie didn't know whether she should be offended, or thankful for the praise. "Well, anything for my friends." She said as Garnet turned and began to walk back to the gems, who were whispering among themselves.

"It.. didn't work." She managed to overhear Pearl saying. Connie got up and shuffled towards them. "What didn't work?" They all turned towards her. "Well, we were hoping that the water we poured onto Steven would turn him back into his normal self, but.." Pearl explained, cutting herself off with a tired sigh.

It didn't work. "S-so, does that mean we'll never be able to get Steven back?" She asked, feeling tears well up in her eyes. "No, no! We'll surely figure something out!" Pearl responded, but Connie could tell Pearl was starting to lose hope. "What if we don't get him back though?" Connie quietly asked.

The gems all shared a look, no one wanting to answer the question. Everyone had asked themselves the same question at some point, but they'd ignored it, pushed it to the back of their mind, hoping the problem would resolve itself. But it didn't, and they had run out of ideas.

"Well, it looks like we're doomed." Bluebird said. Pearl turned her head to look at the gem so fast, a glare on her face. But everyone had a feeling.. she was right. Connie sunk to the ground. She had never felt so.. hopeless. She felt as though she was walking in a dark cave, the bright exit nearing, but then it was suddenly snatched away.

"So what do we do? Do we keep knocking him unconscious?" Jasper asked. "Of course not-!" "If we have to." Pearl turned to glare at Garnet now, who had cut her off. "Pearl, we've run out of ideas. Maybe the only option we have is to keep him down until we figure something out." Garnet said.

"I-" Pearl simply sighed, crossing her arms. "Fine." Connie got up, almost slipping on the sand. "I should go home then." She said. Garnet nodded, and Connie turned, walking away. But a sudden gasp caught her attention. "What is it?" She asked curiously, turning around, and seeing Steven.. glowing? No, not Steven, the monster!


Oof. Glad the holidays almost here. Then I can update more! (Also, sorry if the poems are starting to get repetitive)

- Salty

A long trail of broken stuff

A voice who's never gotten enough

Greed and selfishness controlling the lost

It doesn't really care 'bout the cost

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