Chapter 23

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Connie faltered, catching her breath as she clutched a metal pole. The cold air stung her face, and the breeze would nip at her skin like mosquitoes. A small snort shocked her, her eyes glaring at whatever was in front of her.

"Oh, it's just you." She sighed with relief, as the pink lion nudged her arm, a seemingly urgent look in his eyes. "Oh, the lazy lion has somewhere important to take me." She joked, lion huffing as he softly head butted her.

"Fine, fine." Connie jumped on lions back, one hand holding her sword and the other clutching his mane. Lion ran, the wind whipping against her face. A roar erupted from him, and soon, they were flying. I wonder though, Connie thought, what would make Lion worried?

Lion's feet slammed against the ground, and Connie recognised herself in front of the donut shop. "You wanted donuts?" Connie said. "Really?" Lion turned around and laid on the wood, as Connie gasped. "What in the-! What could've done this much damage? It must've been another gem monster!"

Connie leaped off Lion and began to run, following the trail of destruction. Connie saw Ex Mayor Dewey crouched underneath a bench, a worried look on his face. "Hey! Dewey!" She called, causing him to jump and bang his head on the top. "Oww.." He groaned.

"Hey, did you see what caused this mess?" She hurriedly asked, not bothering to ask him about his head. "Y-yeah, it was a giant dark pink monster. I think the gems were after it. You better find out what it was!" Dewey anxiously responded.

Connie nodded, and continued to follow the long trail, groaning as she only saw a few dots in the distance. I should've got Lion to take me! All of the Crystal gems can run faster than me!  Connie mentally slapped herself in the face as she realised how stupid she'd been. Slowing down her pace, she decided to walk.

Humming echoed in the darkness, as heavy footsteps pounded against the wood. "This is some good news." A voice said, laughter tainting it. "Uh, well, we still need to get her out."  Another chimed in. "Yes, of course. What an idiot, she let herself get caught?" The first voice replied angrily, slamming a door open.

Another door automatically opened, and a singular gem floated in the air. "You, go get her." Another gem nodded, grabbing the bubble and popping it open. It glowed and lifted. "Prepare yourselves, we might've found an opening." The gruff voice said, stalking away as the gem reformed.


Hey, sorry, but this is more so of me wanting to get a chapter out, so it might seem rushed. Enjoy it though!

- Salty

Desperate groans and sandy wood

Crushing a belief that couldn't stand

Although, it didn't do any good

So, another measure was required.

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