Chapter 45

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A fresh feeling of hope bubbled up in her chest as the bright light seemed to wrap around Steven, only for it to burst as she realised as it wasn't coming from him. Wait, not St- Ugh. I give up. The light seemed to seperate and slowly sink into the ground.

The light seemed familiar, but Connie had so much on her mind she couldn't be bothered trying to remember. Suddenly, Steven shot up and roared. Backing up fearfully, Connie fell down. Suddenly, a single light burst from the ground and reached over, harshly slapping Steven.

He fell onto his side with a groan, reaching a claw over to rub his face. Suddenly, Connie remembered. "It's the cluster!" She yelled, but no one seemed to hear her. The light once again receded into the ground. "Well, that was rather abrupt.." She said to herself with a sigh, once again beginning to ponder on how they'd get Steven back.

She didn't noticed that the rain stopped until she felt warm droplets of water on her face. "Hm? It's raining again? I-" She sighed. "I guess I should just accept we might never get him back." It suddenly felt like a heavy weight was dropped onto her shoulder. Connie heard some footsteps get closer to her and she looked up to see Pearl, Garnet, Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth walking towards her, while the other gems walked away.

"Where are they going?" She asked, quickly wiping away her tears. "Back to wherever they wanna go. We need to rest so when Steven wakes up we can.. knock him out again." Pearl responded. Connie nodded. "I guess.. I'll see you later." Connie turned and began to walk only to fall as the ground rapidly began to shake.

"What is that!?" She said, fear gripping her mind and leaving her unable to think. "I-I think it's the cluster. But I don't know why it's causing these earthquakes!" Peridot yelled, her and Lapis being the only not affected as they flew.  Suddenly, the area where the donut shop used to be exploded, and a giant beam of light shot out of the ground.

It slowly formed the shape of a hand and the light seemed to melt off, laying in glowing blobs and quickly dissolving. "Hello, cluster! Do you remember me? I was there when!..." Connie trailed off, not wanting to repeat the events of the night where the Blue and Yellow found out Steven was Pink diamond. (Or found out he had Pinks gem)

The cluster quickly gave her a thumbs up then disappeared under the ground. No one moved. Suddenly, there was another loud noise, and Steven was flung into the air as the cluster punched him and threw him into the air. His eyes snapped open and he roared, before exploding and disappearing in a cloud of sparkly pink.

The cluster gave another thumbs up and disappeared. Connie sighed. "Well, that was-" "Steven!" Her eyes snapped open as she saw them all rushing towards something laying in a giant hole. "..what?" She struggled to get up, her hands shaking in excitement.

She hobbled towards the group, feeling her butterflies in her stomach as her eyes landed on the figure in the middle. "Steven!" She cried, rushing forwards, only to tripped and slide down. "Connie! Be careful.." Pearl said, not glancing at her.

She didn't care. She crawled the short distanced and finally good a good look at Steven. He had his normal clothes on, though they were ripped. He was violently shaking, and there were still a few pink spots on his body, and two pink horns were still visible in his fluffy hair.

"We need to take him back to the temple. Even if it is destroyed." Garnet said, carefully picking him up. "Oh! I can fix it!" Bismuths chimed in. Everyone got up and began to walk out of the hole. Connie sat for longer, but quickly got up to follow.

"Ow!" She fell to the ground, pain in her leg. She took a glance towards the bandages and saw blood staining the usually white cloth. She felt tears run down her face as the pain slowly began to climb a hill of becoming unbearable. She wanted- no, she needed the pain to stop.

"Pearl!" She cried reaching a hand towards the gem. Turning around, Pearl shot a confused glance at Connie. But she quickly noticed the blood. "Connie!" Pearl gasped, rushing towards her as the other gems looked in confusion. "You all go ahead." Pearl called over her shoulder, quickly returning her focus to Connie.

"Alright, even though something bad happened last time, I'll take you back to your mother." She carefully picked up the girl and began to walk. Connie focused on breathing instead of the pain in her leg. As they were about halfway back, they sudden felt relief.

"So Stevens back?" Connie whispered, tears falling faster, though they were tears of joy. She softly laughed, feeling oh so happy. She sudden felt water drip onto her arm. Is it raining again? She looked up and and saw Pearl crying, a small smile on her face.


Steven is back."


Hello! I'm back with a new chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! And sorry if I'm being a nuisance, but do you guys think I should re-write the old chapters once I've finished? Ah well. But anyway, Steven is back, and so am I! (But I wasn't turned into a giant monster..)

Fire and smoke

They'd try not to choke

Gazing at him as he lay on the ground

They had to admit, there were tears to go round.

Shattered Roses | A Steven Universe Corruption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now