Chapter 37

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Bismuth walked over to Pearl. "Everything alright?" She asked in a worried voice. "I don't know. Lapis is leading me somewhere.." Pearl responded, motioning softly to the blue gem in front of them.

"It's Peridot.." She said sadly, grabbing something off the ground. Bismuth noticed the gem in Lapis's hand. "Oh, so she got poofed?" Pearl said, relief in her voice. "No.. no just that.." Lapis turned the gem over, showing them a few long cracks stretching over the green gem.

"We need to get her to Roses fountain!" Bismuth said. "I'll go." Lapis offered, her wings sprouting seemingly from her gem. "Well, that's sorted. Now where's-" Pearl was cut off, by a loud crash. "We'll.. uh.. go wait in our ship.." White diamond muttered, the other diamonds agreeing.

"Now what in the starts was that?!" Bismuth yelled. "It came from the temple! Let's go!" Garnet yelled nearby. Bismuth nodded and began to run, dodging bits of broken buildings and unrecognisable things.

She turned the corner, prepared for the worst, but was still shocked. "Is- is- how..?" She choked, staring at the mess in front of her. Steven stood on most of a wrecked temple, and Lapis was circling him from above.

"He's destroyed the warp pad!" She cried, but her voice was barely audible due to the distance. That means we won't have Peridot, so even less gems to hold back Steven. "What do we do now? He looks worse than before?" Jasper said.

He does? Bismuth squinted, and noticed how the spikes on Steven were longer, and sharper. "Maybe we could be of assistance." White diamonds voice called. The ship flew over, and Yellows arm stretched out and grabbed his neck.

Blue grabbed his shoulders, and they forced him onto the ground. He thrashed about, and the diamonds seemed to be struggling. "You need to figure out something quick! He's strong, so we don't know how long.. it will be until.. he escapes!" White said, weariness in her voice.

"I- I.. I don't know! We've tried everything!" Pearl spluttered, a worried look in her eyes as she ran her hands through her hair. Even Garnet looked stumped. "Do we need to bring back his memories somehow? Like with the rejuvenation?" Bismuth suggested.

"That's a great idea! Let's try it!" Pearl said, hope sparkling in her eyes. "I'll go first." She walked up to Steven, who was thrashing in the diamonds grip. She stood in front of him, and he stopped to look at her.

"Steven, do you recognise me?" Pearl asked softly, so Bismuth barely heard her. "It's me, Pearl." She continued. Steven stared blankly at her. Garnet began to walk up to them. "And I'm here too, Steven." She said, standing next to Pearl.

Steven stopped and lowered his head slightly. Lapis wearily flew down closer, but Steven didn't bother to look at her. "Do you.. do you thinks it's working? Garnet, what do you see?" Pearl asked excitedly.

"I cant see. I didn't expect this, so my future vision isn't completely working. I can't say for sure.." Garnet responded, looking a little nervous. It didn't faze Pearl. "Maybe.. it is working!" Pearl exclaimed as Steven lowered his head onto the ground.

"Steven! Do you remember me?" She asked. Steven didn't respond, but.. what was that in his eyes. "What's happening? Have you got the situation under control?" White asked.

"We think!" Lapis yelled up to them. "Uhh, what's happening with his eyes?" Bismuth asked. "What?" The others looked, and Stevens pupils had grown larger, much like a cats. Then, the spikes on his back glowed.

"Is he transforming back?" Pearl asked hopefully. No one moved. But with a sudden burst of strength, Steven shoved the diamonds ship off and they fell onto the ground. He stood up, and surveyed his surroundings.

No gem moved. Steven slowly leaned his head forwards, a low growl rumbling in his throat. "G-Garnet..?" Pearl whispered, but no gem moved. Steven tossed his head back and opened his mouth, a roar echoing from him.

The ground exploded and Bismuth heard a scream before she was thrown back. Sand blinded her and the only sound she heard was the footsteps of Steven and the sound of waves crashing against the beach.

Bismuth began to get up up fell back down with an oof as something crashed into her. Something heavy briefly landed on her but she threw it off. A groan emitted from the weigh.

"Lapis? Was that you?" She asked. "Yeah.." Lapis responded. Guilt crashed over Bismuth. "Sorry! I didn't mean to throw you! I just didn't know what you were.." The gem apologised.

"It's fine. I just need to.." Lapis cut herself off, panic settling on her face. "What is it?" Bismuth asked. "I don't know where Peridots gem is!" She fretted, getting up and using her wings to blow away dust.

"Shouldn't locating Steven be our first task, because he could stomp on us?" Bismuth questioned. "Bismuth, what if he stomps on her?" Lapis argued. "Good point." She said. "Now, lets clear this sand first.." Lapis said, waving her wings even more frantically.


Hey! Hope you're all safe! And another thing I forgot to mention, if any of you noticed the cover changed, it's because I tried to put a cover on another story but it glitched and I didn't have the original cover saved for some reason.

- Salty

Empty smiles and judging glares

A child who was something even more than rare

Laughter turned to screams

Echoes in his dreams

Petals dancing menacingly as they fall

He will fix it all.

Shattered Roses | A Steven Universe Corruption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now