Chapter 8

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Garnet shook her head as the warp pad came into view, barely looking it's usual bright blue due to the dark light. She was disappointed in herself for not finding Steven, nor even a trace of him. Stepping onto it's cool surface, she knew where she wanted to warp, and felt her feet lift off it.

The light blue slowly dispersed around her, and she stepped off and made her way to the couch, stiffly sitting down as she waited for the moment Pearl and Amethyst would arrive. She needn't wait long, as shortly after she sat the warp pad glowed a brilliant blue, the figure of Pearl soon forming. "Garnet!" She cried, rushing towards her with Amethyst's gem in hand.

This unnerved Garnet greatly, for she had not foreseen it. "Garnet, it's Amethyst, something poofed her!" Pearl said, carefully setting Amethyst on a pillow she had placed on the table. Pearl sat next to Garnet. "Nothing should've been able to poof her, well, except for Bluebird, and Jasper." Garnet sighed, only for Pearl to chime in. "Maybe she was goofing around and somehow it happened?"

"No, if she did, somehow, it would've needed to be some really heavy." Garnet concluded, turning to Pearl. Pearl nodded and turned back to the gem, while Garnet's thoughts were racing. Why isn't my future vision working? Is Steven alright? Did Steven see? Is he safe?

Both gems turned their heads as the door slammed open, revealing Greg, who had bits of tape and paper stuck to him. "Hey guys. Any updates worth knowing?" He asked, standing by the table. "No, except Amethyst has been poofed, and by what, we have no clue." Pearl filled him in, while Garnet stared at the door. "Well, I've been putting up missing posters for Steven." Greg said, turning around. "Anyway, I might go find Connie. I haven't seen her of Lion for a while." Garnet only heard the door slamming shut as she closed her eyes.

Trees whispered in the wind, flowers danced by the stream, and animals glided silently across the forest. Something lay with sharp thorns sprouting near its feet. A squirrel to curious for its own good wandered near, eyes watching it. A single paw lay on one of the vines, which caused the thing to slam a paw on its tail and trap it. It desperately tried to crawl away, only to be slowly lifted in front of a pair of glowing eyes, glinting angrily. It fell limp as another set of claws secured it between its legs and feet, turning it upright.

The figure stared at the squirrel, before dropping it with a pitiful sob. The squirrel dashed into the darkness. The figure fell down onto its side. It wheezed, silently begging for a familiar figure to approach from the darkness. Its wish came true as a twig snapped nearby, and something emerged from the darkness. "Hmm..? Oh." The figure wandered closer to the first.

"Well well well, what have I found?" It sounded curious, reaching out a hand. The first figure attempted to cut at it with claws as sharp as rose thorns. The second figure gasped and flinched back. "Oh ho ho. I know for a fact that they'll want to see this." The second figure laughed, running away as the first softly began to sob.


Hey guys, sorry for late updates. I've been playing Splatoon 2, which I was lucky enough to get be able to get. Anyway, here's another chapter of my story. I was gonna write about Connie, buuuut maybe it'll be better if I let her sleep for longer. Thanks for reading though!

- Salty

Once they fell to their knees

They gave into the song of death

Around them were dying trees

Empty but innocent cries

Now they were here

After they were fed lies.

~642 words~

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