Chapter 31

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The wind picked up as the trio softly cried. They were thoroughly soaked. The silence was too much to bear, so Sapphire decided it was up to her to break it. "No." She said in a soft voice. "We can't mourn now."

"Why not?" Pearl sniffed, looking hopelessly at her hands. "We need to help Steven. He is here now. We can help him. We can't help Amethyst." Sapphire responded, her voice ever so slightly wavering.

"Yeah.. I agree." Ruby said, a sad smile on her mouth, but determination shone in her eyes. "Thank you." Sapphire said, turning to hug the small red gem. "I.. understand." Pearl spoke at last.

With a quick peck on the lips and a deep hug, Ruby and Sapphire fused. "We should get going. Who knows what he could've done while we cried." Garnet sighed, getting up. She outstretched a hand and offered it to Pearl, who graciously accepted.

"Follow me!" Garnet yelled, beginning to run against the rain. The two ran for a while, following a path of misery and despair. The path they followed belonged to someone who used to care. Someone who would carefully lace each of his words with kindness and a welcoming tone. That person was gone now.

"I see him!" Pearls voice rang out, but the wind tossed her words around as if it was a toy so that it barely reached Garnets ears, but she still heard. His figure was crouching over something, his jaw unhinged and burning with flames prepared to be blasted into some unfortunate place.

"Quickly!" Garnet yelled, summoning her gauntlets with a hint of regret in her voice. She leapt, outstretching one of her arms. The heavy gauntlet made contact somewhere around Stevens spine. He let out a horrible roar, the flames in his mouth pouring out and onto the ground as if it was as thick as honey.

How can he- She let her thoughts be cut of as he began to violently shake himself in an attempt to get them off. Pearl quickly landed next to her, planting her spear in between his scales to get a better grip. She had a guilty look on her face.

Then, then rain and wind was suddenly harder. Wait.. Garnet quickly jumped into the air as Stevens body fell onto the ground. He rolled over, wood splintering and spraying everywhere with a loud crunch.

She aimed both arms at him, and they shot forwards like a rocket. Pearl followed her footsteps and began to shoot lasers out of her spear. Caught off guard, Steven let out a small whimper as the attacks made contact with his vulnerable belly.

Sudden guilt riddled Garnet, and she fell to the ground as the gauntlet came back. "GARnet..!" Pearls voice faded away as she heavily fell onto the ground. But it was only as she was being swept away by Stevens tail as she realised she shouldn't of let herself fall.

She crashed into the edge of a cliff, dust and rocks slightly pouring down. Move! Garnet suddenly heard the thought in her mind, but felt her body automatically rolling to the side. A blast of flames exploded where she previously was.

She used the wall to kick off, skidding below Stevens stomach. His weak point.. She thought. "I'm sorry Steven!" She yelled, jumping up to punch his stomach. She heard the air rapidly leave his body in an animal like gasp, and he began to slip.

Garnet hurriedly rolled to the side as his body fell to the ground with a pained whimper. He lay motionless as Pearl walked up beside her. "What did you do to make him fall?" She yelled over the rain.

"I hit his weak spot." Garnet responded, flicking her hand towards his belly. "Nice. But poor Steven. Anyway, I hope Bismuth, Peridot and Lapis hurry up with that thing they're building." Pearl continued, an annoyed look across her face.

Garnet simply nodded in response. They stood in the rain for a while. "I'm going to go check on them. Steven appears to be passed out." Pearl said, walking away. Garnet let herself walk closer to Steven.

"We will help you. I'll make sure of it." She whispered to herself, running one hand along his scales. She felt him breathing softly, as though he was sleeping. But something seemed.. off about it.

Wait a moment.. She let out a gasp as Steven suddenly shot up, a roar echoing from his throat. He was tricking us! How didn't I see this coming?! She thought angrily, running slightly away from him.

Pearl is gone, so I'll have to hold him off.. By myself. She readied herself and charged forwards, seeing that Steven luckily hadn't noticed her in the thick of the rain. She jumped up onto Steven again, bringing her hands above her head and smashing them onto his back.

He slightly whimpered, but didn't even budge. She dodged just in time as his tail hit himself on the back in an attempt to get her. That made him move. "Aha!" Garnet said with a slight smile, as an idea formed in her head.

She hit a spot near one of his back legs, looking to see his tail coming for her. Yet again, she dodged. She did it again, but near his front legs. He also did it again. She repeated the process a few times, until Steven stopped hitting himself.

Garnet stared confusedly in the direction she thought his tail was, punching him again. "Huh." She said, turning towards his head. "No!" She suddenly screamed, barely dodging as his jaw snapped in an attempt to bite her.

But the second time, she wasn't fast enough and was scooped up rather harshly by his rows of sharp teeth. No! I can't go out like Amethyst! She thought, squiring in his tight grip. But he didn't falter. Not once.

The person Garnet used to know as a child, the person Garnet helped grow up, the person who Garnet knew would go out of his way to help others, the person who would always look for the best in others, was holding Garnet in his mouth, not a shred of remorse of sympathy in his cold, unforgiving eyes.


I'm so sorry! This chapter was supposed to come out a few days ago but I never got to it! Forgive me. I made this chapter longer.

- Salty

A crying so bad, unable to be ignored

The tears would be poured

Somehow, he hid it

He didn't regret it one bit

Happiness shined in his smile

But it was fake, and his future was wild.

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