Chapter 47

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It was dark. The only sound Steven could hear was the a strange buzzing, that sometimes grew louder or stopped completely. At the moment the buzzing was gone, the sound of soft rain tapping at the window was the only sound he currently heard. He also noticed he couldn't move, no matter how hard he tried. Nor could he open his eyes. Was he dead? Was this what the afterlife was like?

No. Surely not. Besides, he felt as though he was laying on something soft. His bed, perhaps? While he could not move, he could still feel. Sometimes he'd feel someone's hand holding his, but mostly it was his bed. He wished that someone would come in and toss a blanket over him, as the rain had cooled the air which had been humid for a while.

He didn't know how long he had been laying in the bed for, nor did her remember much of what happened before he was laying in bed. Maybe he was injured in a battle? The last thing he remember was Pearl giving him some plants, but it was still fuzzy. He didn't remember what they where, nor what he though. He could only remember his feelings. And they were bitter and angry.

Why was he so mad? He was curious, but thinking back to it gave him a horrible headache, and since none of the Crystal Gems can read minds (Which is probably better), no one would know. The rain grew louder and pulled Steven from his thoughts.

Maybe today he'd be able to finally move? To get those answers he craved? He decided to try moving his arm, but then decided to try something easier. His fingers would do. He focused on them and tried to move them. C'mon, I got this! He felt energy rushing towards his hands and he got excited. Is this it?

Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming up to the stairs of his room and he lost concentration, and he no longer felt like he could move his hand. "Steven?" A voice said. Wait.. he could hear people? Maybe today was the day! The voice sighed. "You probably can't hear me. But I hope you wake up soon."

He was able to give a name to the voice. It was his dad! He wanted to call out, but couldn't. So he settled on listening to his father. "I hope you're not mad at us. Maybe when you do wake up.. we can figure this out? Together?" Ah. Well, it seemed that his dad had no answer either.

But.. Mad at them? Why would he be mad? Maybe that would explain a little bit of why he could sense bitterness in his memories. He heard more footsteps and a hand grab his for a moment. He wanted to give a sign that he could hear and understand his dad, so he tried to grab his hand back.

But he let go before Steven could and walked back down the stairs hurriedly. Why'd he leave so fast? Steven wondered, but finally decided that he was going to get up today. He once again tried to move his hand, and was surprised to find that it worked! But, now for the harder part, his arm.

He took a deep breath. He then tried lifting up his arm. It lifted a little, before falling back down. Alright, he could do this. He felt strength flowing through his body and his arm weakly stretched out and lifted itself up. He felt happy that he could finally move his arm. Now, he could probably open his eyes!

He recalled trying to open them earlier. Was it.. a few hours? He didn't know. He had been laying in his bed for a while. It had felt like they were taped shut. But now that "tape" felt weaker, and Steven was confident he could open them. He tried and the darkness seemed to.. grow brighter?

He sighed, preparing himself for what he might see when he opened his eyes, and finally, was assaulted by a bright light as he opened them fully. But it quickly grew dim as he blinked a few times, realising that his room was dark. He turned his head towards his sliding door and saw rain running down it.

He slowly sat up, looking around the rest of his room. It was empty. He could hear faint talking downstairs, and then a door opening. Was that someone leaving? Or entering? He tried once again to remember what happened, rubbing his face, before he began to feel pain in his head.

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