Chapter 11

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Pearl tapped her fingers impatiently on the table, as Amethyst sat next to her. "I don't get it!" Pearl suddenly burst out, causing Amethyst to choke on the donut she was eating. "Don't get what?" Amethyst asked, with a mouthful of food. "I don't get what's taking Garnet so long."

Pearl sighed, squishing herself onto the couch. "Maybe Connie's being a problem?" Amethyst suggested with a swallow, finishing off the donut. Pearl simply shook her head. "Maybe she's- oh. That must be her." Pearl said, getting up. There was stomping on the wooden stairs, until they finally reached the door. The figure of Garnet reached and pushed it open.

"Garnet, you- OH MY STARS! STEVEN?" Pearl gasped, tears forming in her eyes. Amethyst jumped off the couch. Connie walked in behind them, shutting the door. "I'm going to take him to his room, and Connie is going to watch him. If Connie's parents come here, do not let them in." Garnet said, walking up the stairs.

Why would we send her parents away? Maybe something happened. Pearl concluded in her mind, walking into the kitchen to fill two glasses with water. As Garnet came down, she simply turned to look at her, before making a beeline to the couch.

Pearl peeked around the corner of the stairs and saw Connie cradling her legs as Steven lay on his bed. She walked up to her and offered the water. "Thanks." Connie managed to croak, downing the cool water the second Pearl handed it to her. "Wow, you sure were thirsty." Pearl commented, putting the other glass on a bedside table.

"Oh, and before I forget, if Steven wake up, offer him that water please." She said, not waiting for an answer and turned to walk down the stairs. Connie sighed, running her hands through her hair as an attempt to get the sand out. She didn't want to recall what happened earlier, but as she tried to block out the memory, it broke down those mental walls and spiralled in her mind.

Connie slid down and perched herself at the end of her roof, calculating the safest way to get down. She spied a metal pipe and grabbed it, preparing to swing herself down. "Connie?" She heard both parents call. Gasping, she fell forward. The pipe creaked as she clutched it, her parents obviously heading it.

"Connie? We're coming in." One of her hands slipped, so she lifted it up and grabbed the edge of the roof. She cringed as she heard the door open. "Connie? Where are- Om my gosh!" She heard two sets of stomping feet coming towards the window, just as she slipped down.

"C'mon, she couldn't of gone far." Her mother growled, the lock on the window clicking. She began to sprint as heavy footsteps pounded on the roof. "There she is! Get to the front door!" Yelling was heard. Connie ran faster than she ever had in her entire life, and she was out of breath by the time her feet were slapping against the boardwalk. She needed to hide, as her parents obviously had taken the car and wouldn't be far behind.

She jumped off the boardwalk and managed to somehow wiggle underneath, panting. Sudden fast footsteps sounded nearby, with her parents voices echoing sentences. She couldn't make them out until when they were near. "Connie? Where are you? If you come out now, I won't be mad."  Her mother said.

Her father asked around, and Connie let out a breath as they walked away. She rested her head on the sand, until a voice interrupted her serenity. "You can come out now, Connie." She lifted her head up so fast her neck began to hurt, until she realised the voice belonged to Garnet. She quickly crawled out, dusting herself and looking up to see Garnet.. and.. Steven?

"Steven!" Connie yelled, running towards Garnet and almost having a meltdown at the sign of her friend, who seemed to be passed out. "Careful, he's sleeping." Garnet said, beginning to walk towards the temple. "Hey, Garnet? May I-" "It's okay Connie. I already know."

Connie sighed as she was relived she didn't have to explain, and she walked beside Garnet. It wasn't long before the temple came into view, where Connie knew she'd be safe.

As the memory stopped, Connie realised how serious the situation was. But as she began to cry, a warm smile dance on her lips. At least I'm here with Steven. She thought, laughing as her eyes poured.


Hey. Decided to make another chapter. Life's been peaceful, to which I'm grateful for. Enjoy your update.

- Salty

A trail of tears so clear

A trail of blood so dark

It's coming, something is near

Shining, pieces on the ground

Weapon in hand, n' someone to fear

The boy, nowhere to be found.

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