Chapter 34

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"I think we need the water from Roses fountain." Bismuth said. "But it wasn't only what we needed to uncorrupt a gem.." Pearl muttered. "So I guess we have to vote who'll go and who'll stay."

Lapis raised her hand. "I can go get the water." Peridot also excitedly raised her hand. "Oh! I can use my metal powers to use a bucket which will contain the water!" Pearl nodded, looking around and seeing no one else raise their hands.

"I should probably go for the other reason." She said with a tired look in her eyes. "I can go with you." Bismuth said. "Then it's settled." Pearl said. "The rest of you, please stay here and watch over Steven. Oh! And if Ruby and Sapphire come back, let them know what's happening."

She turned and began quickly walk towards the warp pad. Bismuth followed closely behind. "So, what do you plan on telling them?" She asked as they walked inside. "The truth." Pearl stood on the cold surface of the warp pad, going as soon as Bismuth stepped on.

"You seem a little tense, Pearl." Bismuth commented. "Of course I am! Amethyst is shattered, Ruby and Sapphire are poofed, Steven is corrupted." She cut off with a sigh, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Oh gosh, sorry Pearl!" Bismuth said, looking at Pearl worriedly. Pearl shook her head. "It doesn't matter. We're here." She looked around at home world. It looked so different compared to her last.. visit.

"Let's get going, the quicker the better." She said, walking forwards again. Bismuth didn't respond. Oh, great going Pearl. You made the tension awkward. She walked up the stairs and walked down the hallway, briefly turning her head to stare at her surroundings.

"I say we go straight to White Diamond." Pearl announced. "What? No way. You know how she gets.." Bismuth replied fearfully. "We need all of them anyway, so why not start with the hardest?" Pearl argued back, raising her voice a little.

"Why not just get Blue or Yellow too.." Bismuth trailed off and stared at something behind Pearl with an awkward smile. Pearl raised an eyebrow, then turned around. "I thought I'd heard familiar voices." Blue said softly.

"Blue diamond." Pearl said respectfully. "Oh, just call me Blue." She responded. "Now, I heard you two arguing. Would you care to explain?" Pearl turned to look at Bismuth who was looking at her feet. "Weeell, a close.. friend of ours was corrupted, and Steven isn't avail able so we need you help." She said, then suddenly felt Bismuth softly kick her foot.

"Who was corrupted? Oh, poor thing. We haven't had anything to do with it though." Blue muttered, bringing a hand up to rest her face on slightly. "Well, promise not to freak out." Bismuth said. Blue looked worried, but nodded and said. "I promise."

Bismuth took a deep breath. "ItmayormaynothavebeenSteven.." "I'm sorry? Could you please repeat yourself, you spoke a little too fast.." Blue asked. "It maaaay have been Steven.." Bismuth said, tensing up. Blue didn't react for a moment, and blinked at them, before realising.

"WHAT?!" She yelled, standing to her full height. "You said you wouldn't freak out!" Bismuth shouted at her, but she was already running away while yelling for Yellow. "That.. could've gone better." Pearl sighed. "And sorry for not speaking up, I just.. couldn't."

Bismuth smiled. "It's alright. I understand. I mean, Steven has been with you for years, and he's corrupted. You must feel horrible.." Pearl smiled back and just stood next to Bismuth, waiting for someone to come back.


Ayy, sorry I can't remember your name right now but someone commented that they can't wait for the diamonds n Spinel to find out, and lucky for you, the next chapter I had planned on em findin out!

- Salty

Crashing waves and saddened gazes

Memories are slowly faded

Crumbling homes

Broken phones

He ran away

Until the day

He broke.

Shattered Roses | A Steven Universe Corruption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now