Chapter 36

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Pearl crossed her arms, and stared into the sky as it seemingly began to scream from the thunder. It wasn't long before one of the arms from the diamonds ship extended from the clouds, but she didn't care enough to look close enough to see the colour.

"They're here." Someone said. With a small thud, the ship landed on the beach. The diamonds quickly reached the ground. Blue looked distraught, Yellow looked shocked and White.. White looked down in horror at what use to be Steven.

"This is him now?" She asked, slowly approaching the restless corruption. "Yes, and we need to hurry! He's regaining strength!" Garnet yelled over the noise. White nodded. "What do we need to do?"

Lapis hovered the water over Steven. "You need to touch the water and get it into the state where it uncorrupts gems." She explained. "But how will it work without Steven?" Blue asked in a soft voice, looking sadly down at Steven. "This is from Roses fountain, so with luck, his touch will already be there." Garnet told them. The three diamonds flinched at the mention of Rose.

"Alright.." White said uncertainly, reaching forwards. Her hand glowed white and she touched the water. It quickly spread and was soon glowing white. Yellow did the same, then Blue. Everything seemed to freeze as the colours blended together.

Streaks of white, blue, yellow... and pink was visible in the water. "Yes!" The gems rejoiced. "We need to be careful, if Lapis misses, we might not have time to grab more." Garnet announced.

Pearl saw the other Lapis look up and open her mouth, as if she was going to offer help, but looked back down at her feet when Lapis sent a glare which could shatter a gem towards her. Oh, they must know each other... But not on good terms.

If gems could breath, Pearl bet they'd all be holding their breath as Lapis carefully guided the water over Steven, who was trying to pull the muzzle off his head. "Steady.." Garnet whispered, and a look of concentration overcame the angry one on Lapis's face.

If Steven suddenly decides to move, Pearl thought. Lapis could completely miss. Steven paused for a moment, and Lapis smashed the water against his back. Streaks of yellow, pink, blue and white poured down his body. He roared to loud Pearl wanted to shove spears in her head to stop it.

He began to glow, and Pearl felt her spirits lift. Finally, Steven would be back! He began to shrink and the muzzle fell off, Jasper and Bluebird barely dodging it. He began to glow pink, and that slightly concerned Pearl. He's a diamond. Pink diamond. It's probably normal. She reassured herself.

The outline of Steven began to grow wavy and spin. "What's.. what's happening..?" Bismuth asked. "Everyone, get back!" Garnet screamed. Pearl suddenly saw Steven's outline grow sharp, and the ground beneath him exploded. She felt herself flying through the air.

Pearl opened her mouth to see where anyone else was, but suddenly was engulfed by seawater, so only a few bubbles escaped her mouth. Oh, great. She lay there with her arms crossed, waiting for the dust cloud above her to pass.

When it did, she quickly hopped out. "Is everyone okay?" She yelled. "I'm fine." Garnet said, walking over to them. They stood in a circle. Okay, lets see who's here.. Bluebird, The other Lapis, Garnet, wait.. Where's Peridot, Lapis, Bismuth and Jasper?? Pearl opened her mouth, but Bluebird cut her off.

"Where's the others? And that corruption is gone too." What?! How dare she simply refer to Steven as a 'corruption'?! Pearl thought angrily. "Guys! Over here!" A voice called. She turned and saw Bismuth and Jasper walking from somewhere behind what used to be The Big Donut.

"Have either of you seen Lapis or Peridot?" Pearl asked. Bismuth looked worried and Jasper simply shook her head. "Let's spread out and look." She said, turning to walked behind her. "Pearl! Get the others and get over here!" A voice called.

Pearl turned and saw Lapis with a worried look on her face. Pearl nodded and called for the others. Pearl just so happened to be first back over to Lapis though. "So, what's wrong?" She asked. Lapis simply looked sadly at the ground.


Another chapter! I won't say what's happened, but you guys can guess..

- Salty

Ground dusted in pure white snow

They were hiding, crouching low

Echoes of regret in their mind

Should they of been more kind?

Shattered Roses | A Steven Universe Corruption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now