Chapter 39

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Lapis was worried. There was a lot of reasons she was worried. But what worried her the most, was how quiet it was. Steven was somewhere, and was using.. smoke? To hide himself.

She flapped her wings, and for a moment, the smoke cleared and sunlight exploded around her. It was only for a moment, but in that moment, something shone in the distance.

Is that it? Lapis thought, hope surging throughout her as she ran towards the object. She crouched and dug in the sand, a small smile appearing on her face as she scooped something out of a a small hole on the ground.

"Bismuth! I found it!" She yelled, carefully closing her fingers around the green gem. Though Bismuth did't respond. "Bismuth?" Great, another thing to worry about. She walked forwards, her head rapidly turning in the hopes of seeing someone.

"..lapis..?" She heard a faint voice call. Her wings shot out of her gem and she began to fly towards the voice. It wasn't entirely smart on her end, given the situation, but she needed to find a fellow gem so if they were attacked, they wouldn't get shattered.

She landed and looked for the speaker. "Helloooo? Where are you?" Lapis said, slowly looking around. "Lapis!" A voice called, and she turned to see.. Pearl. "Pearl! Where's Garnet and the others?" Lapis asked.

"I don't know. And I don't know how, but Steven is creating this smoke and sneaking around us!" Pearl spoke, clutching her spear as she seemed to jump at every small noise. Lapis sudden began to feel a little more worried.

"Well, I have Peridot, but I think I should bubble her and send her to safety. If she reforms here.." Lapis trailed off and turned to look at Pearl, who softly nodded. Lapis concentrated and carefully bubbled the cracked gem. She quickly tapped the top and it disappeared.

"Now that that's sorted.." Lapis began. "What in the STARS ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO?" Pearl looked confused. "What do you mean?" Lapis sighed. "About STEVEN. He still looks like.. a corruption.."

A sudden terrified look crossed Pearls face. "I don't know! Unless it's like rejuvenation and we need to bring back his memories, but that's never happened before!" She fretted, crossing her arms.

"Well, we need to get started on figuring this out. But first, we need to find the others. I'll clear this smoke, as it's starting to annoy me." Lapis said. She lifted a hand and water shot out of the smoke and formed into a giant blob behind her.

It stretched and soon looked like a watery fan, but the 'blades' were much larger than the rest of it. She closed her fist and the blades started to spin, the smoke clearing away quickly, but sand was flying into the air.

It wasn't long and all the smoke was gone. But.. no one else was there. "Really? Even Steven's gone?" Lapis sighed, lazily flinging the water back into the ocean. They suddenly heard the faint sound of something exploding in the distance.

"What great timing!" Lapis said, sarcasm dripping from her voice as she jumped into the sky. She flew over the lighthouse and got a clear view of what had happened. She saw some tiny figures, which she assumed was her friends. Steven was running up and down the boardwalk, crushing any buildings which had previously escaped his wrath.

She quickly dived down, landing next to Garnet. "What's happened? How's he get over here?" Lapis asked. "He crawled away after blinding us with the smoke, we followed him and he started doing this." Garnet responded, not taking her gaze off Steven.

Lapis nodded, and turned to Pearl, who had just arrived. "So," Pearl said. "Does anyone know how we could bring him back?" Bismuth shrugged, and Garnet didn't seem to have an idea either. Lapis didn't bother checking on Bluebird, Jasper or mean Lapis.

She closed her eyes, and tried to think. "What if we try just using the diamonds powers on him, without his own?" She suggested. "Where are they anyway?" Bismuth asked, looking around.

"Hiding in their ship like cowards." Garnet responded rather coldly. "I'll get them." Lapis said, jumping into the air again. She quickly spotted the ship which hovered over the ocean, the ships arm crossed. Though it noticed her coming and held out it's left arm.

Lapis landed on it and was surrounded by blue, and was dragged up. When the blue opened, she saw the diamonds looking at her worriedly. "What's happening now? Is he getting any better?" White questioned.

Lapis shook her head. "But," She began. "We need your help!" She diamonds peered down at her curiously. "What for? We've done what you've originally asked." Blue questioned softly.

"We need you to enchant the water again. We're gonna try it again." Lapis answered. "Well, it's worth a shot." Yellow said with a shrug. Lapis sighed in relief as white surrounded them and they were lifted into the air, though she felt awkward being surrounded by the diamonds, even if everything was different.

When the cloudy sky opened up above her, she turned and saw Steven running more slowly. Lapis began to focus, and lifted a good chunk of water from out the sea. She lifted it until it hovered over her and in front of the diamond. She turned to look at them.

"Right," White said, reaching out and touching it. Blue and Yellow quickly did as well. The water seemed to stay blue for longer, as if t was waiting for pink to reach out and touch it as well, but after a short pause, it blended the three colours together.

It didn't seem right without the pink, but it had to work. If not, they'd be out of ideas. She once again began to fly as she manoeuvred the water carefully through the sky and over to Steven. He others gems gave her hopeful looks, and a sudden weight crashed onto her shoulders as she realised how much they needed this to work.

She flew slower, worrying about what would happen if it didn't work. But she quickly snapped out of it. I don't need to worry. They can't blame me if it doesn't work! She settled in the sky above Steven and waited for him to slow, so she could dump the water on him.


Hello! I just want to say, thank you for reading another chapter! And if you're here from another one of my books, then they will get slow updates till this story is finished. And though I'd rather keep it going for all of those who enjoy it, I don't think it'd be nice if I dawdled on.

- Salty

Smiles of glee

And spilled tea

Baskets on their side

They didn't mind

Even though one did

They kept it hid.

Shattered Roses | A Steven Universe Corruption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now