Chapter 10

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A bright light engulfed the room, Pearl and Garnet stepping back. Amethysts gem slowly rising up. A concerned look came across Garnets face, as the form of Amethyst began to glow. It wasn't long before she fell to the ground, pushing her hair to the side.

"Hey guys, I'm-" "What happened? How did you get poofed?" Pearl cut her off, gripping her shoulders. Amethyst looked confused, and a look of struggle was clear on her face. "I-I, uhh, somehow don't remember.." she admitted. "What? Don't remember? But that's impossible!" Pearl said, bringing one of her hands up to her chin.

Garnet took off her shades and pinched her nose, furring her brows. "Garnet?" Pearl asked. "Quiet, I'm trying to see." She responded, sitting back down. Thoughts raced through her head. Why again? I thought I learned after last time. Maybe we need to try something else. She shoved the shades back on.

"We need to find Connie." Garnet finally said. "What about Lion-" Amethyst was cut off as something heavy leant on the door. "He'll stay here for the time being. Amethyst, you stay here in case Steven comes back. Pearl and I will look for Connie." Garnet was fully aware of what happened for Connie, but she just wanted to be.. alone.

Amethyst simply replied with an "ok" before making her way to the fridge. Garnet and Pearl left, the salty breeze whipping on their faces as they turned away from each other and began to walk.

Garnet had soon walked to the forest, sitting down on a log. With a long sigh, she became engulfed with a bright light, and separated. Two small gems stood next to each other, their odd colouring standing out in the lush, green forest. "Alright, what's your plan Sapphire?" Ruby asked, holding her hand with a small smile. Sapphire giggled, moving her hair to see Ruby with her eye.

"I think we need to relax. My future vision isn't working, so how about we wander the forest like when we first met?" Ruby smiled, and nodded, softly pulling Sapphire forwards. They continued until a small pond came into view, sparkling a beautiful blue. The two sat down, Ruby taking Sapphire into an embrace.

They cuddled for a while, resting in the warm sunlight, until the sound of a stick echoing around the forest made them get up. Ruby summoned her weapon with a growl, prepared to protect Sapphire. "Wait." Sapphire said, the look of a struggle on her face.

"W-wait. My future vision. It still doesn't work." She said, stepping back. "C'mon, lets go together then." Ruby said in a calming voice. Sapphire smiled, as Ruby picked her up. Glowing white, they became one. "Alright." Garnet whispered, summon her gauntlets "Let's go!" She walked forwards, attempting to be in a threatening pose.

She burst out of the bushes, and looked around. "Nothing." Sighing, her weapons disappeared as she relaxed. But another stick snapped, and something else leaped out from the bushes. It charged towards her and hit her back with such force she fell. "What dares!-" she cut herself off after taking a good look at the creature.

"S-Steven..?" She asked, slowly getting up. Steven stood in front of her, a long pinkish tail sprouted from out behind him, silver horns stood proud above his head, in the corners of his mouth, and all the way down his back. Blotches of dark pink where around his body, and his eyes were black, with pink pupils. A long of anger, sadness and pain were evident in them.

He made eye contact with her, not seeming to be on control. Garnet seemed to know what had to be done, and seized him by the horns. Garnet internally flinched as Steven let out a pain whimper, but she didn't let go. Quickly, she picked him up under the arms and sed one of her legs to kick a tree.

Something slightly hung out, and Garnet was forced to let Steven go as she grabbed it. When she had fully grabbed the vines, Steven bit into her calf. Sucking in the air through her teeth, she kicked him off. While he lay dazed, Garnet forced his arms behind his back and tied them together, weakening his struggles.

She used the rest of the vine to tie together his feet, looking away as his eyes pitifully met hers. "Alright, lets get you home." Garnet said, relief in her voice as the struggle of finding Steven was, thankfully, over. Picking him up, she shifted him so he was carefully leaning on her shoulder.

Garnet began to walk back home to tell everyone the good news.

Connie sat on her bed, tears of anger falling faster than a waterfall. "Stupid mom.." she angrily muttered, attempting to wipe her eyes to stop the flow of tears. Suddenly, an idea came into her mind, the tears slowing down as she lay it in a complex plan. With a smirk, she wiped her face and rubbed her hands together.

She hopped off her bed and ran to a desk in her room, pulling open the smooth wood drawer and pulling out a pair of scissors, a marker, and a piece of paper. She wrote a note with the paper, saying the words,

"Mom, dad, I'm running away. Steven is missing and something was wrong with him. Something no doctor could fix. I need to find him. Can't you understand? I may possibly never see him again. And don't bother trying to find me, otherwise I'll have to thwart all your attempts. I'm sorry.

-Love, Connie"

She slapped it on her desk, and then walked over to her window. For some reason, her parents had locked it, so Connie had to simply draw where she was going to cut. Taking off the markers lid with a satisfying pop, she leant forwards and prepared to draw.

"Connie?" A voice yelled from the other side of her door, swift knocking accompanying it. Stifling a gasp, she shoved the lid back on the marker and ran to her desk, throwing the note, pencil, scissors and marker away and slamming it shut, just in time as her father came in.

"Connie, are you alright?" He said in a mellow voice, somewhat noticeable tears glazing his eyes. "Yes dad, I'm fine." She said, plopping onto her bed. "Listen Connie, I'm definitely sure that's a lie. It's not often you get chewed out by your mom." He said, shifting his glasses and sitting on a chair "And anyway, I'm sorry for not saying anything. It's just... you've never run away before."

Connie grimaced Well, I'm about to again. She thought as her dad continued. "Your mom is concerned though. You said Steven was missing?" Connie nodded. "I need to go find him dad. Please?" She begged, hoping to get through to him. Much to Connie's disappointment, he shook his head. "Connie, I'm sorry. Not after that little outburst. You'll need to stay in the house for a while." Connie looked down as her dad got up and left, silently closing the door.

Anyway, I should continue. She thought, getting up and placing everything where it needed to be. And with a precise hand, a black circled was on her window for where she needed to go. Grabbing the scissors, the shoved it in. Thank the stars we have thin windows. She thought as she sawed.

Before long, there was a hole in the window which she could just about squeeze out. I'm sorry mom and dad. She thought with one last look behind her, she slid down and disappeared,


Hey guys! Extra long part as an apology. But yeah, got braces, unplanned, and so far it sucks. Thank gosh we have jelly, custard, and other foods I can eat without having to bite. Anyway, enjoy this chapter!

- Salty

Holes in the ground

Fires circling them

It made no sound

Weapons pointed straight

Stares holding the stars

They're meeting their fate

But nothing goes unplanned

Rebels get what they deserve

And the future seemed bland

~1349 words~

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