Chapter 14

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Connie stumbled back, a chill running through her veins. It didn't take long for the pain to sink in. Tears welled up in her eyes as she clutched her face. Steven seemed to go still, not reacting to anything. "No.. Steven, wake up!" She whispered, leaning towards him.

Connie wasn't mad, but she was upset and in a lot of pain. She just, didn't understand. Could Steven not see her? Was it a late reaction? The gems continued to fight, Connie only just looking up. A large, orange gem was trying to hit Garnet, who evaded and got in some of her own.

A small, blue and red gem was against Amethyst, and for some reason, it seemed to enjoy fighting as a happy look was plastered on her face. And then, there was one more blue gem, who was tall and skinny, fighting Pearl, who seemed to be barely holding her back.

She refocused her attention to Steven and trying to pick him up. She managed to get behind him and grab him under his armpits, lifting him off the sand a little bit. She grunted in effort as she pulled him higher, put soon had to lower him. She wiped her forehead and sighed, before something softly nudged her.

She lazily turned around, before widening her eyes. "Lion?" She gasped. He huffed and laid down on the sand next to Steven, Connie realising what he meant "Good idea!" She grabbed Steven again, and with Lion's help, slung him onto lions back. "Alright, now lets get him back-" "Not on my watch!" A gleeful voice called out. Quickly thinking, Connie grabbed the blue and red figure and threw them to the ground.

Connie jumped onto Lions back as he ran to the house, teleporting into Stevens bedroom. "Lion, stay here with Steven. If I need you, you'll hear." She gave his mane a stroke, and walked down the stairs. She picked up her sword from the table, and slammed the door open. She scanned the beach, seeing the gem from earlier smaller, and glowing. Soon, it stopped and she was her original size.

She leaped down the stairs and skidded on the dirt, running down and preparing her sword. "Look out!" A rough voice called, startling the small gem. Alas, the gem heard in time and Connie's sword silently slammed down onto the sand. "Missed me!" The voice giggled, and Connie felt something sharp pierce her arm. "Gah!" She hissed, picking her sword up.

The figure flew around, trying to pick at her every now and again, but Connie was ready. As the gem swooped, she prepared her sword, swinging with all her might. She sliced right through the gems neck like butter, a confused and pained expression settling on her face. "W-wait.. how did you-!" The gem exploded into clouds, her gems dropping onto the sand. Amethyst walked over with a soft expression on her face.

"Nice going Connie!" She complimented, picking up the gems. Connie opened her mouth to reply, before being cut off by a raspy voice. "Ugh. Do I seriously have to do everything myself?" She felt someone roughly grab her ankle and throw her far away onto the beach, her barely twisting in time to miss hitting her head on a rock.

"Connie!" A far-away voice yelled. But Connie must of hit her head on something else, as her vision slowly faded to black.

Something seemed to burst, thorns slipping out of it. It wrapped around its prey, piercing it with the thorns. It's prey cried out in pain, but no one heard. Flowers bloomed as blood from the wounds made contact with the vines, the edges of the petals quickly dying. "Help." The voice weakly croaked, pathetically.

"Please." It repeated, the horns on its head getting it grabbed by the vines, and it's long tail intertwining with it. Letting out a single desperate cry, everything turned red.


Well, I'm sad to say I'm droning on and this story may need to come to an end soon. I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted,
and I will make all of the chapters after this as long as I can manage. I'd like to thank some people instead of a poem today.









I'm sorry if I didn't mention you, and thank you for reading this.

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