Chapter 42

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Pearl hid behind a giant pile of broken wood, feeling out of breath even though gems didn't need to breath. Garnet, hurry! We won't be able to keep him distracted forever! She thought, slowly peeking out from behind the wood. She saw nothing, so assumed it was safe and began to run towards the sound of Stevens footsteps.

Suddenly, his tail swung overhead and barely missed her. Pearl panicked and slipped in a puddle of water. She sighed, and picked up her spear. Getting up, she jumped into the air and saw Steven swiping at Bluebird. "Watch out, Bluebird!" She shouted, before throwing her spear as hard as she could and hitting Steven on the neck.

It disappeared and Steven roared, turning towards her as Bluebird slipped away. She landed behind the wood again and began to run as Stevens claw slammed down where she had previously been standing. He was determined to catch her, smashing and hitting anything in his path that didn't move away in time.

Pearl heard Bismuth yelling as she got lazily thrown to the side and turned to look. She then slipped in another puddle, face planting into it. "Pearl!" Someone yelled, but before she could get up Steven helped her by picking her up, a seemingly smug look on his face,

She struggled. Well, this is it. Thank you everyone for helping me become the gem I am. And thank you Rose- Steven released Pearl with a roar, and she landed on the ground with a thud, before quickly realising she'd been freed and scuttled away.

She warily peeked at him again, hidden before more debris, and saw that both Lapis's had used the rain to grab his tail and now we're pulling him back, as the other gems swooped in every now and then to attack him. Pearl suddenly felt like she was going to collapse, again.

My friends, and former enemies, working together to.. save me. She wiped what she thought was a tear off her face and prepared to go back out, before a hand landed heavily on her shoulder. "Gah!" She shouted, instinctively jumping back.

"Don't worry. It's just us." Garnet said. Us? Pearls eyes trailed down and she noticed Connie. "Garnet! Why have you got Connie!? It's dangerous here, and she's already been injured, twice!" Pearl fretted, walking over. "Only one time was serious." Garnet responded.

"Still! She's a human! I've said it before and I'll say it again; they're fragile!" Pearl continued, crossing her arms. Garnet shook her head. "I understand what you're saying Pearl, but I believe Connie will help us bring Steven back." Pearl opened her mouth to retaliate again, but backed off.

Maybe.. maybe she's right. And it is a plan. Not like I have any better ones. "Fine.." Pearl said, taking out her spear. "What do we need to do?" Garnet helped Connie to stand with the umbrella, hidden from the battle, before walking over to Pearl.

"We need to capture Steven, properly, and try to get through to him. I thought that since we didn't work, maybe Connie will." Garnet explained. Pearl nodded, and began to walk, before Garnet grabbed her. "I want you to stay with Connie." Pearl turned quickly, looking shocked.

"What? Why!? I can help battle!" Pearl angrily exclaimed. "I need you stay since you're her teacher, and I believe you can keep her safe if Steven finds you, or.. if we.. fail." Garnet said, and Pearl realised how much of a responsibility she had. But.. what would happen if they fail..? Pearl shook her head, deciding not to think about it. "Alright."

"Thank you." Garnet smiled, and gave her a pat on the back, before jumping off. Pearl walked back over to Connie, who stood looking at the ground. "Hey Connie. Is you leg feeling better?" She asked. Connie looked up, slightly startled, before realising Pearl was there.

"Oh, it's doing much better!" Connie responded cheerily. Pearl softly smiled. "Did Garnet explain what's going to happen?" Connie nodded. "She told me right before we got here." Pearl took a quick look at Connie's leg and regretted that.

Maybe if I had been faster, I could've prevented this.. She chose not to dwell on the thought, and just listened to the sound of rain and the gems fighting. She had enough negative thoughts in the past, and now was the worst time to have them. They were going to do this. They had to.


Another chapter! Hope you enjoy it!

- Salty

Words losing meaning as time goes on

Staring, as their eyes no longer shone.

(Sorry, short poem because I'm feeling uninspired)

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