Chapter 46

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As Garnet was slowly walking back towards the temple, she kept a strong grip on Steven, as if she were to let go he would disappear. But suddenly, she remembered something. "Bismuth," She said to the tall gem. "Y-yeah?" Bismuth said, turning towards Garnet and rapidly rubbing the tears falling from her face.

"Hold Steven for me. I need to do something." Bismuth nodded, and carefully took Steven from her. Garnet turned around and began to walk away. As she was walking, she sighed, and felt tears begin to fall down her own face. She slowly lifted a hand and wiped them off, even if it felt like they wouldn't stop falling.

She kept walking until she arrived in front of something that sparkled slightly in the dark. Garnet reached down and carefully scooped up the four pieces of Amethysts gem. Perhaps they could find a way to bring her back? She clutched it close, turning and beginning to walk back.

By the time she had arrived at the temple, the gems, (other than Pearl), had settled down, Steven laying unconsciously on what remained of the couch. "Well, I'll have to fix this. I'll probably start one Steven has woken up.." Bismuths voice echoed, her hands waving around at the damaged.

"How's Steven doing?" Garnet called over to the others, making her presence known. Lapis turned towards her. "He seems fine.. but I hope he wakes soon. But anyway, what'd you do?" Garnet stood in front of them and stretched out her hand so they could see the gem in her hand.

"Oh.. I guess we should figure out what to do with that." Bismuth said grimly. The gems stood in silence, all staring towards Steven, all silently hoping together that he would suddenly wake up.

"So," Peridot began, "what do we do once he wakes up?" The gems all looked at each other, no one knowing what to say. "We'll probably need to give him some space." Garnet said. They all nodded, continuing to sit and stare.


Pearl sighed, arriving at Connie's home and carefully placing the girl. "I won't go in. I'm sure your parents have had enough of me!" She said, a tired smile on her face. Connie nodded, and gave Pearl a hug. "Thank you for carrying me," she paused and let go, "now promise me when Steven wakes up you'll come and tell me."

Pearl laughed. "Of course! Now, go inside and rest. I won't bother you until then." Connie nodded, waving goodbye to Pearl, and waiting until she was a bit away before knocking on the door. She heard rather loud shuffling behind the door, and it was hurriedly opened as her worried parents looked down at her.

"Connie!" Her mother yelled, pulling her into a hug. Her dad also joined in the hug, and Connie felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "C'mon Mom! Dad! Now's not the-!" She paused, the sudden pain in her leg reminding her of something maybe a bit more important than a hug.

"H-hey, uh mom? I-I think.. I think my wound reopened.." She said, gasping in pain. Her mother quickly- but carefully- scooped her up. "You should've said that earlier! Ooh, are you in a lot of pain? Don't worry, I'll just-" Connie focused on breathing while her mother rambled on, the stairs and hallway passing as she was carried to her room.

She was swiftly placed on her bed as her mother began to gather the tools she needed. "Hey mom?" Connie said. "Thank you for letting me go. Steven is back." Her mom turned, eyes wide with surprise. "Really? Is he alright? I know he caused the wound, but was he the one to reopen it?"

"I'm pretty sure he's fine, though he was unconscious, and no, he didn't reopen it, it was when I was trying to walk."  Connie answered, preparing herself as her mother returned. "Connie! You should've been more careful! I've told you a thousand times to-!"

Connie once again stopped listening to her mother and focused on breathing as the pain came back. And even though her mother was scolding her, nothing but love was in her eyes. I'm sorry. She thought, But I'd reopen any wound I get to save my friends.


Hello, hello! Sorry for the shorter chapter, but I'm saving most of it for the next part! But anyway, I hope you enjoy!

- Salty

A ringing tone inside her head

She wished she wasn't lying in bed

The monster outside growling in rage

It's friends, all in a daze.

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