part seventeen

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Myungjun walked into his Chemistry class; the only class he shared with Jinwoo.

Though he was mad at him, it still got him worried that Jinwoo didn't show up. He took a seat where he usually would, and looked around cluelessly.


"Yes, professor Jung?" He responded, paying his attention to the professor who called his name.

"Is Jinwoo absent today?" She asked him.

"Erm, I talked to him in the morning...but I don't know where he is now..." Myungjun answered.


"He said he was feeling sick so he went home."

Myungjun looked over to the one who said that; it was Hyesoo. How does she know about that? He almost scoffed in jealousy, but refrained from doing so.

I know I'm mad at him and we fought, but seriously...why didn't he tell me he felt sick? And told her instead?

Myungjun had always felt jealous towards Hyesoo's attachment to his best friend. It was quite obvious she liked Jinwoo, and he always felt that he was competing with her to have him.

Jinwoo is quite clueless when it comes to people liking him; even though it's obvious that Hyesoo and Myungjun had crushes on him.

Though, if Jinwoo had a crush on Hyesoo, it would honestly not surprise Myungjun; he'd almost expect for him to like her. She's small and petite; pretty and smart. And she has good humor.

He hated the thought, but it wouldn't be surprising to him.

I don't know what to do at this point. Should I text him?

He pulled his phone out and held it under the desk, and started typing.

Hey, are you okay?|
Hey, are you ok|
Hey, are y|
Hey, a|

He deleted everything he typed and set his phone away. I have to stand my ground. I need to have some time away from him, at least a week. And he needs to understand that what he did was wrong...

I'm so stupid. How is he ever gonna understand that what he did was wrong if I don't tell him why? Shit.
I'm second guessing all of my decisions.


Myungjun sat behind his easel, sadly sketching the female model in front of him; as best as he could, because his passion was no longer working at the moment.

He was so distracted by his situation with Jinwoo, that he couldn't focus on his assignments.

He groaned in frustration as he kept on erasing the pencil markings on the sketch paper. I can't get the god damn breasts right! Usually, the female body is easier than the male body for me, but I can't do it! I am so not ready to be scolded by professor.

The timer rang minutes later, and Myungjun set his pencil down before leaning back in his chair, exhausted. He stared at his drawing, absolutely disappointed.

The professor walked to his easel, and grabbed his drawing; she examined it before giving him a solemn look.

"Myungjun, I expected more from you? Usually, you're the best in my class, especially your female sketches. What happened today?" She wondered.

"Sorry, I have no excuses. I'll do better tomorrow." Myungjun replied.

"I hope so."

She walked away, and Myungjun sighed to himself, covering his face as if he was about to cry.

He managed not to, and grabbed his bag, trudging out the door.


Myungjun threw himself onto his bed with a sigh. He took out his phone and rang Dongmin's phone.

"Hey. Are you free right now?"
"Erm, no not really... I'm eating with Binnie. Why?"
"Nothing, I was just bored and wanted someone to hangout with."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about it. I hope you're having a good time with him. I'll just hang up then."
"You sure? We can make plans later if you want?"
"It's fine, go ahead and eat. You deserve to have some time with your crush. Get some ass, bye!"

Myungjun hung up, and slammed his phone on his bed. I'm fighting with my best friend, and my other two friends are out with their future husbands. That leaves me ALONE?! Ugh. WHATEVER!

a/n ehehehe
i got sick today lol

so i went to sleep at 1-2am tasting puke coming up my throat but i ignored it cus i thought i was just imagining things

BUT i woke up at 7 am having the urge to throw up, so i walked to the bathroom, which at that point i felt a stabbing pain in my stomach, and im also on my period so it doesnt help that im also having period cramps, and so i sat next to the toilet waiting until i would possibly throw up, i even made myself gag so maybe it would happen, but i didnt so around 7:30 am i went back to my room, laid down for a while, i texted my groupchat to tell my friends i felt sick lol

and around an hour later, like maybe 8:45 i was about to go back to sleep cus i was tired, but the urge to throwup got worse and so i went back to the bathroom, and at that point i felt like i wasnt gonna make it to the toilet, but i did and i ended up puking out my guts

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