part thirty-four

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Myungjun walked down the aisle, his arm linked with his father. His heart was beating fast, and he could barely contain his smile.

As they got up to the altar, his father turned to him. "I'm so proud of you." He said, then looked at Jinwoo. "I trust you with my son."

Jinwoo nodded and grinned at his soon-to-be father-in-law, as he let go of Myungjun's arm, and went to take his seat.

"Hear-ye, hear-ye- wait, why did I start off my sentence like a French-man in 1818? Um anyways..."

Everyone laughed at her joke. Yes, 'her'. Their 'priest' that is marrying the couple together is Ah-Reum.

"Let's get to it. We are gathered here today to join these two people in marriage; a lovely thing, isn't it?" Ah-Reum began. "As a people-person myself, I'm very honoured to be doing this for my best friend. Seeing him today, get married to the man of his dreams, I'm very proud."

"Hm, what's next...uh...I forgot, let's just skip to the vows." Ah-Reum said. "I'll let Myungjun begin."

"Ah, already?" Myungjun mumbled, with a small laugh, and Ah-Reum nodded, as he took out a piece of paper from his pocket, scratching the back of his neck as he began to read. "Okay, erm... 'Dear Park Jinwoo, aka the love of my life. Ever since we met I have always had feelings for you. We have known each other for eight years before finally confessing, and now it's been four years since we began our relationship, and twelve years since we've met; we've been through a lot, haven't we? We've had our ups and downs, and I know I've always been chaotic and weird and not one to properly share my feelings; probably not the type of person you expected to give your life to, but I promise I will give you my all and love you for eternity. You have always treated me right as your best friend, fake wife, your boyfriend, and your fiancé, and I'm sure as your real husband you'll treat me the same, right? I trust you with my whole life. Love, MJ'."

"Wonderful, now Jinwoo?"

"Here we go." Jinwoo started. He already started getting teary-eyed. "'Greetings, MJ-hyung. Honestly, I never expected our outcome to be like this; it's crazy how we went from strangers, to best-friends, to lovers, and finally we're getting married after over a decade? When I started having feelings for you, I knew I wanted to get far in this relationship, but I never imagined how far, exactly. But I'm so excited for our future of marriage together. You may not think of yourself so highly sometimes, but I believe you are the most perfect for me. We may not see eye-to-eye all the time, but can we both promise to speak up on our feelings? If something is wrong, don't be afraid to tell me; I know how you can hide your feelings often. I'll promise to always validate your feelings and make you feel loved, as long as we live. I love you forever. Love, JinJin."

At the end of it, he was crying, and Myungjun was trying his hardest not to; he's very sensitive to Jinwoo's tears, and can't help to cry when he does.

" can't cry, or else I will." Myungjun mumbled, punching Jinwoo's shoulder.

"Sorry, I can't help it." Jinwoo apologized with a small laugh, and wiped them away with his sleeve. Bin patted him on the back in support.

"Some tears are already pouring down, wow! Alright, let's continue." Ah-Reum said. "I believe the next step is the rings; Dongmin, give them here."

Dongmin gave them to Ah-Reum and held them out for the couple to take. "Put them on for each other."

Myungjun held out his hand, and Jinwoo put the wedding ring on his index finger for him. Myungjun repeated the same thing for Jinwoo.

"Perfect. Now, let's skip the objections, because there is no need for those." The audience laughed and Ah-Reum continued. "Finally the part we have been waiting for!"

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