part twenty-four

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Bin's heart was beating so fast.
He was so nervous, he didn't feel like it should be humanly possible to be that nervous.

As they got to the parking, and got into Dongmin's car, Bin could feel his stomach sink. This is it...

"What is this about?"

"I think you already know what it's about." Dongmin said. "But to refresh your memory; it's about when you kissed me that night."

"I could I not know..?" Bin sighed. "I'm sorry for kissing you; most importantly I'm sorry for avoiding you."

"Why are you saying sorry?" Dongmin wondered. "Tell me truthfully; how do you feel about me?"

"I- Dongmin...I don't know." Bin replied.

"Be honest."

"I think I like you?" Bin answered. "I don't know; I've never liked a man before... But all I know is that I want to be with you most of the time; I get jealous when you're with others, and I think about you a lot. I look at you, and I want to...I want to kiss you..?"


"Everytime you laugh, I can feel my heart beat fast... I feel myself wanting to smile everytime you smile..." Bin added, and looked at Dongmin. "What are you doing to my heart? And why?"

"I can't answer that." Dongmin said. "But...I like you too."

Bin's eyes widened, and his ears started to turn red. "You-you what?!"

"I like you too."

Bin didn't know how to respond...Lee Dongmin? The guy who has never liked someone before...likes me? The hottest guy in school likes me? How? Is he messing with me?

"Are you going to say anything?" Dongmin asked.

Bin scratched his neck, and looked away from him. "Erm... Are you messing with me?"

"No, why would I be messing with you?"

"Then..why me?" Bin asked. "Why do you like me. Out of everyone that you could be having feelings for..? Why me?"

"That's a stupid question." Dongmin scoffed. "Why not you? I don't see why that's a problem."

"Well, for starters, I'm the biggest jerk ever...I'm jealous all the time, and annoying, and just... I'm not that great." Bin explained. "How could someone as great as you fall for a complete loser like me..?"

"Bin, stop putting yourself down. You're not an annoying jerk at all, that's not how I see you." Dongmin said. "Also, I'm not a perfect person either. We all make mistakes."


"No, Binnie. You are perfect the way you are; you are perfect to me." Dongmin added. "I like you because you are you... I can't control what my heart wants, but I can control what I want... And both my heart and my mind want you..."


"I admit, it was cheesy...but I'm telling the truth." Dongmin chuckled. "But..I'm just saying that I wish you wouldn't degrade yourself like that; you're an amazing guy, and there's no reason you should be thinking otherwise."

They both went silent for a couple of moments, and Bin looked at the older. "So...what does this mean for us?"

"I don't know; what do you want it to be?" Please tell me you want to be my boyfriend...oh please say that right now. Its all I could ever ask for.

"I guess...I want you to be my boyfriend..." Bin answered. Please say yes! Agh, that felt so weird to say...if he says no, I'm gonna feel embarrassed.

"Then...sure. Let's try being boyfriends." Dongmin concluded, and they both smiled at each other.

Bin grabbed the collar of Dongmin's shirt and pulled him closer; shutting his eyes and connecting their lips together in a passionate kiss.


"Thank you for dropping me off."

"No problem, erm...I'll text you when I get to my apartment." Dongmin said, as they stopped at Bin's dorm room.

"Sure, get home safe then." Bin replied, as Dongmin nodded.

He went into his dorm after bidding his last farewell to his new boyfriend, and Dongmin went back to his car in the parking lot, and left the campus back to his apartment.

Bin sighed as he flopped onto his bed, and grinned as he hugged one of his pillows. This is really happening? I'm not dreaming?


a/n 😐 this is so underwhelming

the MAIN COUPLE GETS SUCH A GENERIC CONFESSION ?? i dont understand wtf is wrong with me

I should write it better but idk how 😩

anygays, binwoo are finally a couple after 24 chapters yeeehaw


sanhyuk are the last ones that need to start dating, but they're close
they'd rather kinda take it slow, minhyuk is worried about going too fast, cus he thinks hes being a bit pushy and clingy with sanha, sanha doesnt mind him being clingy tho like at all he loves cuddles 🕴🕴still, they just gonna wait and then when they think they're ready they'll make it official and they will soon !!

anygays thanks for reading ily all goodnight or have a good day to all of you

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