part twenty-nine

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⚠warning: slight smut in this chapter, there is a warning before the mature content starts so you'll know where to stop if you get uncomfy. (By the way, it's myungjin.)⚠

"Finally, we're here. I can be free from MJ-hyung's annoying-ass-voice screaming songs from 'One Direction' in my ears." Jinwoo sighed, getting out of his car.

"You started it! I just continued!"

"A joke gets less funny when you keep repeating it over and over." Jinwoo said.

"It wasn't a joke, I just wanted to bother you." Myungjun replied, with a playful shove. "I see it worked."

"You got that right." Jinwoo scoffed, and then looked towards Dongmin who was about to speak.

"Um anyways, here's what I'm thinking. We should bring everything into the house, unpack the food and put it all away, figure out the rooming situation, and then have fun." Dongmin explained, and Sanha groaned. "What?"

"That sounds boring, I just wanna swim in the pool already." Sanha replied.

"We have two weeks to have fun, Ddana. If we start now, we can get it done quickly and get into the pool quickly." Dongmin said. "And you have all day to get into the pool; its not like you have a curfew, you can even stay in the pool all night if you want. I have pool lights."

"Fine. Let's do it quickly then."



"Now, let's talk about the room situation, then." Dongmin started, and sat on the couch where the other guys were. "There are three rooms; my room, my parent's room, and my brother's room. So two of us can stay in one room each."

"I'll stay with JinJin." Myungjun said.

"I'm taking Sanha." Minhyuk said, locking his arm with Sanha's.

"I figured. Then Bin and I are taking my brother's room, I'll leave Sanha and Minhyuk to take my parents room, and MJ-hyung and JinJin-hyung can take mine."

"Why do we get your's?" Myungjun wondered. "Wouldn't it make more sense for you to take your own room?"

"How will I explain it to my family that my friends had sex in one their beds? They wouldn't appreciate it." Dongmin said.

"What are you talking about?!"

Bin made a weird noise, trying to hold in his laughter as he covered his mouth and looked down, laughing to himself.

"You all...seriously..." Myungjun scoffed. "Fine, then don't get mad when you hear everything tonight! I'm not a silent bottom!"

"He isn't lying. He's a 'screamer'." Jinwoo started. "I should know; I'm the one making that happen."

"Can we just get to the pool now?" Sanha groaned.

"Go ahead." Dongmin sighed.


Sanha immediately stood up, and ran out.

"I'll bring the floaties!" Minhyuk followed.


"Ugh! This is so hard! Why do I have to blow up the floaties?" Myungjun whined, as he put down the flamingo pool float.

"Because you blow JinJin-hyung all the time; you must be good at blowing up floaties." Bin said. "This should be no problem for you."

"Can we stop talking about my sex life?" Myungjun scoffed.

"For real? Like really?" Sanha said. "My virgin ears are no longer virgin."

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