part two

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"Look at Minhyuk. He's all alone. Like always. Don't you think he needs friends?"

"He's probably killed all of his friends, maybe that's why he doesn't have any."

Sanha was listening to this conversation between a small group of guys who were sitting near him as he read his manga. He acted like he wasn't listening, but he couldn't help but eavesdrop. He took a peek at Minhyuk, who was lying his head down on the desk.

Sanha looked at the guys and started to speak to them. "Can you all please stop talking? You all are getting on my nerves."

"Yeah, and what are you going to do about it?" One of the guys said, and walked towards Sanha. Sanha slammed his book shut, stood up, and towered over the guy, who was shorter than him. The shorter stuttered in his words.

"Just stop, or we'll have a problem." Sanha said. He backed away and sat down. Sanha did the same, and then looked at Minhyuk who was looking at him. Minhyuk looked away quickly, and lied his head back down.

Sanha sighed and got back to reading.

Minhyuk looked at Sanha again and licked his lips in nervousness. He wondered if he should go talk to him, but decided against the thought and he stood up and packed his things and left the lecture room. Sanha looked up and watched him leave in a panic.

The professer walked in and started to talk. "Sorry that today's lecture wasn't long, there is no plan today, you all may be dismissed right now."

Sanha got up and packed his stuff and walked out. He began talking to himself as he entered the halls. "I wonder where MJ-hyung is right now..."

"I'm right behind you."

"Holy-" Sanha jumped, and turned around and looked down to see Myungjun.

"Hi." Myungjun said with a teasing smile.

"Is this just a coincidence or are you stalking me?" Sanha asked.

"Just a coincidence. I was looking for you and seen you just coming out of class." Myungjun answered. "Anyways, wanna eat lunch with me?"

"Why don't you ask Jinwoo-hyung?" Sanha asked.

"I wanna eat with you today. You don't have friends, you seem lonely." Myungjun said.

"Is that supposed to be an insult?"

"Absolutely, so are you gonna eat with me or not?" Myungjun replied and Sanha nodded.


"Guess what Bin-hyung?!" Minhyuk said, with excitement in his voice.

"Why are you so excited? What's going on?" Bin wondered, and Minhyuk sat down across from Bin at the table.

"Well, these idiots in class were talking shit about me and then Sanha told them to stop talking." Minhyuk answered, with a smile on his face.

"I wanna smack that stupid smile off your face, that doesn't mean anything. He could have just been getting distracted from them and told them to shut up because they were being annoying, not for you." Bin said, and reached his hand over the table and flicked Minhyuk on the forehead.

Minhyuk rubbed his forehead with his hand and pouted. "But here's the thing, he looked at me and looked like he felt bad for me after he told them to stop talking!"

"I really don't care." Bin said, with a teasing smile on his face.

"Now I wanna take that stupid grin off your face as well. You're so mean to me." Minhyuk said, and Bin rolled his eyes. He stood up.

"I'm gonna get myself a drink, do you want anything?" Minhyuk shook his head and Bin walked away.

He started walking back to his table until he bumped into another guy and spilled his Blue Hawaiian drink all over him.

"What the he-"

"I'm so sorry, let me get you a couple of napkins." Bin panicked and ran to grab some napkins as he said and he tried drying the guy's shirt for him as much as he could.

"Thank you for trying to help, but it's fine. Leave it be." The guy said.

"How much for the shirt? I'll pay for it, it's all stained blue." Bin said, and took out his wallet.

"No need, it's a cheap shirt from Goodwill. If anything, I'll just tie-dye it to make it look cool." The guy said.

"Are you sure?" Bin asked, and looked up at the guy.

Bin hadn't been able to look at the guy's face before, but when he finally did, he panicked. 'Why is this guy so hot? And why is he shopping at Goodwill?'

"One-hundred percent sure."

Bin finally recognized this guy, and gulped.

It was Dongmin, the hottest guy in their entire school, or the 'face genius', the title that he was given to by all the seniors when he was still only a freshman.

All the girls, and sometimes guys, often swooned over him when he walked past them.

"Why do you look scared? Do you think I'm going to hurt you or something?" Dongmin wondered, with a teasing tone of voice.

"N-no I'm just... Nevermind. I'm going to get a new drink. See you around."

"Oh okay..." Dongmin replied as he scratched the back of his neck and watched Bin scurry away in awkwardness. He looked down at his shirt and sighed seeing the large stain. "I should change before I get all sticky."

Dongmin left the canteen and to the locker room and opened his gym locker and grabbed a t-shirt out of it. He took off his own and put on the new one.

"Hey, this isn't your gym period?"

"Yeah, I know. But my old shirt was spilled on and I don't want to get all sticky, so I changed." Dongmin replied to Jinwoo.

"Oh, okay." Jinwoo said. "Anyways, what are you doing later? I wanted to see if all of us wanted to hang out, maybe go grab something to eat?" He suggested, and Dongmin nodded.

"Sounds good. I'm gonna go, see ya later." Dongmin said, and walked out after Jinwoo said 'see ya'.

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