part thirty-three

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4 years later.

"What are you packing up for?"

"I'm going to a friend's wedding." Bin said, packing the rest of his essentials into his suitcase. "It's in America."

"Which friend?"

"Park Jinwoo, remember him?" Bin asked.

"Who is he getting married-?"

"Can you stop asking me so many questions, Ilseong?" Bin scoffed. "You're always nagging at me for literally anything. This is none of your business."

"I thought I told you to call me, 'dad', remember? I've been married to your mom for seven-years, and this is how I get treated by her son?" He scolded, shaking his head. "Also, I just wanted to know who the lucky lady was."

"It's not- whatever, its a girl named...Nam..?" Bin answered. "I'm gonna get going now; I don't wanna be late for my flight.

"Do you have a date?" His step-father wondered.

"I said I'm leaving. Bye." Bin said, and walked out of his room, and grabbed his stuff to go to the airport.


"Thank you all so much for being here! I'm sorry you had to take flights all the way here though; we would've had the wedding in Korea, but gay marriage is still...yeah, you all know."

"Ah, no worries." Minhyuk said. "We wouldn't miss your wedding for the world. And Sanha and I have always wanted to come here to travel."

"Is Bin not here yet?" Myungjun wondered. "Do you all know when he's coming?"

Dongmin looked down, nervously, and fidgeted with his hands, while the others looked away to see if they could spot Bin.

"Oh, he's here! I see him walking towards us!" Sanha said, pointing at him, walking through a small crowd of people. He waved. "Hey, Bin-hyung!"

"What's up guys? I'm sorry for being a bit late; the taxi driver got lost." Bin said. "And congratulations, guys."

"Ah, it's fine. And thank you for being here." Myungjun thanked. "I'm so excited; I just wanna skip right to the ceremony and get married to him already."

Myungjun and Jinwoo looked at each other with pure love in their eyes, and smiled.

Sanha took a peak at both Dongmin and Bin, and they didn't look or speak to each other once. That breakup must've been hard... I wonder what happened between them..?

"Hey, do you know why they broke up?" Sanha whispered to Minhyuk.

"Nope, Bin said he didn't wanna talk about it." Minhyuk whispered back. "And he hasn't mentioned anything about Dongmin-hyung since..."



Flashback (3 years ago)

Bin and Dongmin were going quite steady; its been over a year since they started their relationship and everything was going pleasant.

They had decided to finally introduce each other to their parents. It would be a huge step in their relationship, though it seemed quite promising.

And hopefully...their parents will accept their relationship..?

They decided to meet Bin's mother and step-father first; it was a tough decision, considering Bin didn't know how they felt about homosexual relationships.

"What the hell?! Are you joking?!"

"Why would I joke about-?"

"I raised you better than this, Moon Bin!" His mother shouted. "I did everything for you, and this is how you repay me?! First, I give you a new dad, second I let you choose your college major, but you decide you're gonna date a man?!"

"Ilseong can never replace my dad; and you can't just control my life like this; it's my life, and I get to love who I love!" Bin said. "I'm not your puppet!"

"You're absolutely disgusting." Ilseong scoffed. "So ungrateful for anything. Just get out of our house."


"What's on your mind?"

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"You can tell me anything, you know?" Bin said. "I'm sorry, my parents were like that...I didn't expect it either. But you know, that won't keep me away from you?"

"I know...but I can't stop thinking about it." Dongmin sighed. "I don't want to introduce you to mine and get the same response..."

"You don't have to..."

"Should we just break up..?"

"Huh?! Why?!" Bin wondered.

"I don't want to take you away from your family..." Dongmin mumbled. "I don't want to ruin your relationship with them."

"But you're not ruining anything; you just showed me who they truly are. I don't want to be family with people who are so selfi-"

"I feel selfish by taking you away from them, though. It all feels so wrong. I don't think I can ever live with myself." Dongmin said, with his voice starting to crack as he stood up. "Bin, we need to break up."

"But, Dongm-"

Dongmin walked out of Bin's dorm, slamming the door as he left quickly before he started to cry fully. There was no other option... I had to do this.

Present time.

I regret breaking up with him; there was another way. I made a mistake. Will Bin take me back? Dongmin thought, still not looking over at him. Is this how we end..?


a/n btw when bin answers his step-father telling him who jinwoo is getting married to, he said "a girl named nam" obviously his stepfather is homophobic and he didnt want to tell him that he was going to a gay wedding so he came up with a random name
myungjin are getting married obviously

also i needed some conflict, so i did this
you're welcome
the story is ending soon btw

thank you for reading have a wonderful day/afternoon/night and bye !!

-corbin (they/them)

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