part eighteen

215 11 1

Next Day

"Look at them. He must have Sanha on some type of magical spell. Who would be friends with Minhyuk?"

"For real, he must've given him lots of bribe."

Sanha heard all the words that his classmates were saying, and he could literally feel his blood boil with anger. Why are people always so mean to him? Seriously, what is their problem?! They're such jerks!

"What is a sweet guy like Sanha doing around such a social reject?"

While Minhyuk just doodled on his notebook and ignored everything, Sanha couldn't take it anymore.

He stood up and made his way towards the group of people, who were loudly gossiping.

"Seriously, what's your problem? Minhyuk is a great guy, you just never bother to get to know him. You people are the reason he sits alone and wants to stay away from everyone, because you all assume that since he's so 'quiet' he's a bad guy? It doesn't mean anything; you all are just lowlife jerks that have nothing better to do than to make people feel small!"

"Aww, the little baby is standing up for the other little ba-"

Before the guy could say anything else, Sanha punched him across the face with incredible force. Something that most people didn't think he was capable of doing.

"Sanha, no!"

Minhyuk quickly stood up, and held his arms back before Sanha could throw anymore punches.

"I might be a naive, childish, and skinny kid, but I won't hesitate to beat your ass! You can insult me all you want, but don't talk about my friends like that! Get a fucking life, won't you?"

"Sanha-ya, it's okay, don't worry about it!" Minhyuk said, trying his best to keep Sanha from attacking the guy.

"I'm not gonna let him talk about you that way!" Sanha replied.

"Can't believe you even had the balls to do that." The guy said, and wiped his bloody lip in disbelief.

"I could do much worse, trust me." Sanha spat, trying to break out of Minhyuk's hold. "Ugh, let me go!"

"No! I won't let you!" Minhyuk refused, and held him tighter.

"If you insult Minhyuk one more time, especially right in front of me, I won't let you get away with it! Consider this a fucking warning! You're safe for now!" Sanha said, and quit struggling.


"Sanha, I appreciate you sticking up for me all the time, but seriously...sometimes it's just better to ignore them!" Minhyuk said, placing a hand on Sanha's shoulder.

"But I can't just leave it alone! What they said was wrong, and they deserve to know that!" Sanha argued.

"You didn't have to hit him."

"He was provoking me. And if I didn't, he would never learn." Sanha said.

"But I don't want you to get into a fight or anything; especially over me." Minhyuk added. "It's one thing to tell them that what they're saying is wrong, but if you hit them, one thing will lead to another, and you'll end up in a fight."

"Don't worry about that; I could tear them apart!" Sanha said. "I might look scrawny and weak, but I could totally pack a good punch when I'm angry!"

"I'm not worried about whether or not you can tear them apart, but if they end up hitting you, I don't even want you getting hurt. I don't want you to feel even the slightest pain." Minhyuk replied.

"I'll be fine."

"Sure, you might, but you do understand what I'm saying, right?" Minhyuk said.

"Yeah, I do." Sanha mumbled, with a pout.

"I'm not scolding you, don't be like that." Minhyuk said. "I'm just worried, that's all. But promise me that you won't get into a fight."

"I promise."

"Good." Minhyuk started, and stood up from the bench they were sitting on. "Let's go get something to eat."



a/n short chapter 😀 lol

btw this chapter is not written as the same day as the previous chapters, its the next day lol

and as an update from my last authors note, i am feeling much better, i have not thrown up since the first time i did🕺

i don't know what happened, maybe i ate something bad ? Idk all i ate the night before was burger king 😀 but whatever

anygays im gonna wrap this up now, i will probably update soon tomorrow or tonight, i have an update ready to write, i have been writing it for months but i have to make lots of changes🤸

thanks for reading!! have good day nd bye

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