Chapter 7: Makeover

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I walked into my house, surprised by the silence. I headed to my father's study, knowing that's where he'd be waiting for me. I gave the door a soft knock and waited until I heard him reply to come in.

As I walked in, I was greeted by my father's stern glare as he sat behind his desk. I noticed my mother sitting in one of the chairs across from him, but she refused to look at me. I perched myself on the edge of the seat, making sure I did my best to sit straight and present myself properly, despite being a sweaty mess in my gym uniform. I knew enough to stay silent, until I was addressed.

After two tense minutes of silence, my father finally spoke. "I rewatched the footage from the sports festival and do you know what bothered me most?"

He paused, but I knew this was not a question I should attempt to answer. I remained silent, until he continued. "During the obstacle course, you actually moved through each task quickly. But you would have been even faster, and therefore finished higher, if you hadn't gone out of your way to stay on the outskirts. Even the announcer mentioned he hadn't noticed you until the last stage because you were being sneaky. Except you weren't being sneaky, you were deliberately trying not to stand out."

There was another long pause. Every time he paused, it was his way of driving home his point. "You would have been right on that ice-user's heels had you just taken those robots out immediately. But you hesitated, and made a path off to the side so you wouldn't be noticed. I know, because even though I was looking for you, I had to watch the footage four times before I spotted you."

"The same thing happened at the fall obstacle. You could have made quite the statement pushing yourself across the middle of that ravine. But instead, you wasted valuable time moving to the farthest edge to get across." 

"It was practical for you to do that at the mine field since moving the trees into the field would have set off the mines and given your competition an advantage. But even so, despite the many obstacles thrown in your path, it was near impossible to tell what your quirk actually does." 

"You should be showing the world who you are, the power and strength that is synonymous with the Satori name. But no, you chose to lay low and remain unnoticed."

"It's probably for the best," my mother interrupted. "She looked absolutely horrible."

"Yes, on top of more vigorous training, your mother has come up with some suggestions to make you stand out more in the looks department. A full makeover will be happening in the next few days."

"There were so many pretty girls. And even though they're working to become heroes, they manage to look thin and feminine. It'll be hard to make you stand out among them, but a change in hairstyle will help a bit. Also from now on, Suzuna will be doing your makeup before school every morning. We'll test out some different products, but your grandmother recently developed a line specifically for heroes. It's extra waterproof so it should hold up even with all the training you'll be doing."

Lovely. New hair, my face painted by my mother's personal maid, and even more training.

"Oh, we've also decided to make some changes to your diet. You're just carrying too much extra weight. I think I've been too lenient recently. Fruit for breakfast and fish and vegetables for dinner. No more rice, because it could be what's causing you to look so bloated. Oh and no more dessert. If I find out you're trying to sneak dessert, I'll fire Marie on the spot. I don't care how talented she is."

And just like that my mother had won...and she knew it. I saw the gleam in her eye. She knew I wouldn't step a toe out of line if it would cause someone I cared for to lose their job.

"Also, I don't think it's necessary for you to take money to school. Who knows what you could be eating. If you absolutely have to eat something during lunch, make yourself an apple or some cherries or something, but no more food from the cafeteria."

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