Chapter 46: To Grandmother's House We Go

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After Shoto returned from his visit home, some of the other students began to experience homesickness. More than one person complained to Mr. Aizawa about not being able to see family. I was fine with it, but I could understand why the others might have been feeling a little restless. It turned out that it was more than the students of 1A complaining as, two weeks later, their wishes came true.

"I have a big announcement so listen up everyone," Mr. Aizawa said after our last lecture for the day was over. "After receiving numerous requests from both students and parents, this weekend we are giving all students an optional free weekend. There are strict rules to be followed, but you will be allowed to go home if you choose. The details will be sent to you and it is your responsibility to submit the request form by this Friday."

"What kind of rules will be in place, sir?" Iida asked with his arm raised high in the air.

"For example, you won't be allowed to leave campus on your own, but will need a parent or guardian to come pick you up and sign you out. They will also need to sign you back in upon returning."

I kinda tuned out the conversation at this point. I had no desire to go home so I wouldn't be filling out any forms even if my parents said they'd come and get me.

As we walked back to the dorms, I felt Sho's fingers brush against mine before linking them together.

"Will you go home?" he asked.

"Not a chance," I said, "but you should. Take the opportunity to go and visit your mom, see your siblings again. You said it was nice seeing them after your Dad was hurt, right?"

"I'd rather avoid running into my old man, but it has been a long time since I've visited my mom." He paused, staring off into the distance for a moment before he continued. "If you were leaving, I'd say we should plan to meet up. I'd really like you to meet my mom. I'm sure she'd like to meet you too."

"Why would she want to meet me?"

"I write about you all the time when I send her letters. She's probably curious."

"You write about me to your mother?" I blurted out in shock.

"Of course I do. She wants to know all about my life. And you are a very important part of my life. Why wouldn't I write about you?"

I felt a blush rising to my cheeks, so I looked away. "That's really sweet, Sho. Thank you for telling your mom about me. If I was planning to go home, I would definitely figure out a way to visit her with you."

He smiled a small smile before lifting our joined hands and pressing a kiss to the back of mine. My heartbeat picked up at his sweet action.

That evening, I sat in the dining room with my classmates, enjoying my dinner, when I heard something buzz. Sho looked at me curiously.

"Aren't you gonna get that?"

"Get what?"

"Your phone."

"Huh?" I glanced down and sure enough it was my phone vibrating on the table. I picked it up to see who in the world would be calling me. My eyes lit up as I took the call. "Hey, Grandma!" I said into the phone.

"Hello, dear. How have you been? I haven't seen you in so long."

"I'm good. I've been busy with school, but it's been nice living on my own."

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. It's about time you had a chance to spread your wings a little," she said with a small giggle. "The reason I'm calling is I heard you have the opportunity to spend the weekend off campus. I was hoping you'd like to come and stay with me?"

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