Chapter 43: School Festival

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"How!?!" Mina shouted in shock. "It's not possible! How, Kana? How are you this bad!?!"

Three days ago, Mr. Aizawa had given our class the task of picking an event for the annual school festival. Everyone had their own ideas and eventually we had whittled down the options. After much debate, Shoto had shocked everyone by showing us a video of a concert. We decided to replicate it to provide a fun event for the other students to relax and take a break from all the stress we had inadvertently caused them. Kyoka would be in charge of choosing a song and finding people to play instruments. Mina would be in charge of choreography and teaching the dance team. Everyone else would focus on the production.

Mina originally wanted all the girls to be on stage, either playing an instrument or dancing. But I managed to throw a wrench in her plans.

"Seriously, I just don't get it! It cannot be physically possible for someone to be this uncoordinated. You always look so graceful when fighting, how can you not pull off a simple dance routine?"

"I don't know. Maybe if I keep practicing?" I shrugged and attempted to do the short sequence of steps. I stepped forward and backward like she had shown me and swung my arms, but the look of horror on Mina's face told me I wasn't doing it properly. "I wasn't always good at martial arts, you know. I've studied and trained for years to be as good as I am now."

"We don't have years, we have a month and this is the most basic move and you can't do it." Mina proceeded to perform a series of moves, swaying and stepping to her own imaginary beat. "What I just did was only the first of five different sequences you'd have to learn." She raised an eyebrow at me.

I placed my hands behind my back, mimicking her, and tried to sway back and forth as she had. But even I could tell my movements were awkward and not at all how it was supposed to look.


I stopped and glared at my boyfriend, who leaned against the wall watching us, a hand covering his mouth.

"Not a word, Sho."

He removed his hand, showing an expressionless face. "I didn't say anything."

I crossed my arms, continuing to glare at him, until he broke and began chuckling.

"I'm sorry, Kana, but it's funny to see you be so bad at something."

"You're right, Todoroki. I've changed my mind," Mina declared with a wave of her hand. "You're fired from the dance team. It's refreshing to see you suck at something."

"What? That's not fair! And you're exaggerating. I'm bad at lots of things."

Sho walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. "Name one. You're good at academics, hero course work, combat, video games, baking..." he trailed off.

"Easy. Put me in a large group of people and I'm a disaster. I'm really bad at interacting with others."

"Nah," Mina said, waving her hand dismissively. "You just need time to warm up. You're fine around our class now."

"Yes," I said with a roll of my eyes. "It only took six months and literally moving in together. Now look at me; I'm practically a party animal."

"And one that freely uses her sarcasm, too," Mina said with a laugh. "But fine, maybe dancing isn't the only thing you're bad at. But you're, like, really bad. Don't be mad, but you're still off the team. Even if you practice every day, I don't think you'll be able to handle the choreography."

I slumped onto the couch, a frown on my face, pulling Shoto with me. "It's fine. I'd actually prefer to not be on stage. I'm more of a behind the scenes kind of girl."

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