Chapter 23: Connection

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Sunday morning saw me back in the gym. I spent some time working with Tokoyami again. We began to spar, with me stopping our fight every now and then to fix small issues with his form or to give him tips to improve. Once Tokoyami had tapped out, Midoriya stepped in and asked if he could spar with me. He promised not to use his quirk, but he wanted to use some of the kicks he had been practicing on a real person.

It was fascinating to watch him. He was like a sponge, quickly soaking up whatever information anyone would give him. And the speed at which he was able to implement it was insane.

"You've improved a lot, Midoriya," I complimented him once we were done for the day.

"Well part of it is thanks to you. I've been doing those taekwondo workouts you suggested. I also asked Iida about how he uses his legs and sort of combined the two together to make it work for me. And even today, you were showing me where my form was off or ways I could move better. It was really helpful!" he said with a big grin.

"I'm glad I could be of use."

"What are your plans for the rest of the day, Satori?" he asked while cleaning up the mats we'd used.

"Um, I thought I'd do a little bit of target practice with my throwing thorns. Maybe play a video game or two before my first session with Mr. Aizawa."

"What session?"

"My parents had a list of demands before they would let me move into the dorms. One of those was that I would continue my martial arts lessons."

"Did your parents know about Mr. Aizawa's combat skills? Is that why they asked him to train you?"

"I think they wanted my old instructor to be allowed into the school to teach me. Mr. Aizawa is the one who offered to train me personally. They only agreed after I vouched for his skill."

"Wow, that's amazing. He must really see potential in you to offer to train you personally. The school could have just hired a random instructor to come in."

"Eh, I wouldn't go that far. I think it was meant to be an incentive toward my parents that I would be receiving training from an actual pro hero. Anyway, forget about that. Um, would you," I paused wondering if it was okay to ask, "would you maybe wanna come and play some video games later? I was gonna ask Todoroki as well."

"Sure, I love video games! Plus you have so many, I bet there's a ton I've never played before."

We made a plan to have lunch together and to try and find Todoroki and ask him to play something with us. After reaching the dorms, we went our separate ways to shower and change.

After lunch I spent about an hour growing thorns and whipping them across the courtyard into the trunk of another tree. It was good to practice every now and then but my aim was on point. It didn't seem as necessary to throw for hours when I was hitting my intended target every time. I wandered back to my room and began to browse through my shelves, looking for a game we could play. A knock had me turning to see Midoriya peeking through the door he had cracked open.

"Can we come in?"

"Yeah, come on in, make yourselves at home."

Midoriya pushed the door wide and entered, followed by Todoroki. Todoroki headed straight for my bed, sitting cross-legged and leaning against the pillows while Midoriya took some time to look around.

I turned back to my shelves but was pulled away by the sound of crinkling paper. "Hey, Satori, what's this?"

I turned to see Midoriya flattening out a crumpled up piece of paper.

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