Ch. 1 - Unrequited Love

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"Daddy! Do you like it?"

- Jade

Chapter 1 - Unrequited Love

▪️Q U I N T I N▪️

You know, when my best friend said that she had a surprise waiting for me, I really should have known better.

Even though I was still in shock, I could not help but tease her.

"What nickname do you think Sergey will give you when he sees your head?" I snickered.

"That moody Russian can kiss my ass!" Jade scoffed.

My eyes stared at her long flowing hair, noting how the once brown silky strands were now a stark and vibrant purple. Of course, I knew why she had done it, but I just could not believe that she actually went through with it.

I had known Jade since she was six years old and she was like a sister to me, even more so given what we had been through together. Having been kidnapped as children, we spent two years with a mafia underboss called Enzo.

It was during this time that we had become inseparable, relying on each other to survive.

Jade and I had a unique bond that no one could break. We had done everything together, and even though we were not related by blood, we considered each other family.

I would gladly give my life to protect her!

Even though I was two years older, that never stopped her from bossing me around.

With her nineteenth birthday approaching, I just knew that she was up to no good. She always tended to get a bit more roguish around that time and if the mischievous glint in those green eyes of hers was anything to go by, Jade definitely had something planned.

Shaking my head, I refocused my attention on the young woman before me.

"I'll ask again, what the hell did you do?"

"Can you just relax, Quin?" Jade replied, using her nickname for me.

Unable to help myself, I pressed, wanting to know why she thought dying her hair purple would be a good idea. This resulted in us bickering back and forth, our voices getting louder with each passing second. But before things could get too rowdy, Jade's bedroom door suddenly burst open and in walked Dominic Giano Calvetti.

"Children, children, enough with the fighting..." his words died down as his gaze settled upon us.

The Italian man was the leading mafia boss in Aelbank City. Jade and I had first met him when he rescued us from Enzo and we had been living under his protection ever since. I had been eight years old at the time, and I was grateful for what he had done for us.

Upon his entry, Jade's eyes lit up, "Daddy! Do you like it?"

"Jade! What the hell did you do to your hair?" Dominic's question mirrored mine as he stood there, his pale face contorted in confusion.

It was obvious that Jade had managed to shock him. She was probably the only person on the planet who had the ability to do so, not to mention that she got away with calling him 'Daddy', something Dominic absolutely hated!

Which only made her do it more, resulting in her creating other names such as Daddy Dom, Daddy Dom Dick, and my personal favourite, Dom the Dom.

I was pretty sure that if his hair were not already silvery-white in colour, it would have been from dealing with all the stress Jade brought.

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