Ch. 24 - If Only I Could

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"Come on, Dominic, let her play..."

- Aleksandr

Chapter 24 - If Only I Could

▪️Q U I N T I N▪️

Jade's birthday party was simply amazing!

The ambience was just perfect and as we sat relaxing in one of the booths, we patiently waited for 12am so that we could wish her happy birthday.

It still boggled my mind that Jade was turning twenty-one. The years had flown by so fast, but I would be lying if I did not say that it had been a pleasure to be by her side all these years. She had really blossomed into an amazing young woman.

Even if crazy at times, she was still the best.

Glancing down at my watch, I noted that we only had a few minutes left and I had yet to see any sign of Jade since Vincent had taken her up to Dominic's office almost an hour ago. I was still in my seat with Tristan nestled beside me, while Cristiano, Blaire, and the others were busy chatting.

"I don't think your friend Vincent likes me very much," Tristan said softly.

Gazing over in the direction of the purple room, I noticed that Vincent was openly staring down at us. It was as though he was not even trying to hide that fact as he sat there ignoring everyone else at his table.

I could not help but notice that he had a slight scowl on his face as he slowly brought his glass up to his lips, and I wanted nothing more than to smooth the creases off of his handsome face.

Forcing myself to look away, I shook my head, "He looks like that all the time."

"Nah, there's something different tonight, I can tell that he wants you..." Tristan replied.

My head snapped to look down at him, "What did you just say?"

Leaning into me even more, his lips grazed against my ear as he whispered, "Vincent wants to fuck you and you want him to."

I found myself speechless.

Surely, I had not been too obvious about my attraction for Vincent. Had I?

Running a hand through my hair, I found myself quickly playing over the events of the last two years, wondering how Tristan could have possibly come to that conclusion on his own.

With a smile, Tristan continued and said, "That is why you had to break things off with me yes? Because of your feelings for him?"

There was no way that I could admit to such.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Tristan. I broke things off with you because you deserved better than a random fuck a few times a week," I answered half truthfully.

Taking one of my hands in his, he said, "It's okay, Quin, Jade confirmed my suspicions when she pulled me away from you that night at your birthday party over a year ago."

"Wait, what did Jade tell you?"

"Well, nothing really, but I have eyes, I saw how you were with Vincent. I'm not stupid, Quin, I knew you broke things off because your heart was elsewhere, I could feel it. And I know you well enough to know when you're attracted to someone."

Pulling away a bit, I enquired, "Hold up, if you knew all this time why didn't you ever say anything?"

"Well, first of all, I wasn't exactly sure. I mean it was just a hunch and secondly, Vincent is a hard man to read. Plus, it wasn't as if I was just going to give you up without a fight."

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