Ch. 18 - Dead Body Disposal

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"I didn't know that your palette
expanded into kissing ass..."

- Dominic

Chapter 18 - Dead Body Disposal

▪️Q U I N T I N▪️

It was amazing how much could change in a year.

So many things had happened within the last twelve months that I often felt my head spinning when I sat down and reminisced about everything.

One of the most important things to occur was that Cristiano had broken up with Jade.

Which in my opinion was a great thing as this meant that Jade was now free to explore her feelings for Dominic. Interestingly enough, they were now more open about how they felt, though Jade was obviously more aggressive in her approach than Dominic.

But neither of them made a move to take their relationship further or even put a name on it.

As far as the enigmatic mafia boss was concerned, I knew that Dominic may have acknowledged his feelings for her as evident on the occasions that he gave in to brief moments of passion resulting in toe-curling kisses which left Jade breathless. However, Dominic was clearly holding himself back, torturing them both by my estimation.

Then again, since they were both sadists, it was obvious that they enjoyed the playful back and forth they had going on. Not to mention that Jade had surprisingly listened to my advice about not rushing things and she agreed that it made no sense to ruin a good thing.

Of course, Jade being Jade, she would sometimes overreact and misread certain situations.

For example, given our recent activity with the Cartel, there were times when Dominic would go off on his own to do some extra surveillance. Jade unfortunately assumed that perhaps he was still visiting the brothels and often complained to me about it.

Unfortunately, I knew the truth, but Dominic asked me to keep it a secret, so I did.

After all, he was my boss.

Dominic enjoyed letting Jade assume that he was still visiting the brothels. Vincent had voiced that this was a bit cruel, to which Dominic agreed. However, the mafia boss stated that it served Jade right for thinking that he would do such a thing when his feelings for her were more than obvious.

A point that I actually agreed with as I often told Jade if Dominic really cared about her the way she thought that he did, why would he engage in such.

Nevertheless, Jade was my best friend, and as much as I wanted to tell her the truth, I knew she would probably not be able to keep what I told her a secret, and I did not want Dominic to shoot me.

At the end of the day though, I felt that it was not my place to say anything. It was more than obvious to me that when the time was right, Dominic would open up and confide in her, easing her insecurities.

It was amazing to think that it had been almost two years since Dominic had first kissed Jade and with her twenty-first birthday approaching, I just knew that their relationship would evolve into so much more.

Which led me to think about my own relationship status.

I was still very much single and I was not interested in dating or fucking anyone. Although, I did meet up with Tristan from time to time to have a few drinks.

Nothing out of the ordinary had happened between Vincent and I since that night near the pier. In fact, you would swear that the amazing kiss we shared had never taken place. As much as I wanted to pursue the situation, a part of me felt like I just needed to let things play out however they would.

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