Ch. 22 - Facing The Truth

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"Sometimes I wonder who's
the mafia boss around here."

- Dominic

Chapter 22 - Facing The Truth

▪️V I N C E N T▪️

Tonight, was the night of Jade's twenty-first birthday party.

Since it was Dominic's belief that a person should be happy on their birthday, it was only obvious that he would want to throw Jade a lavish festivity for such a milestone event.

Her party would be taking place in one of Dominic's newest club, one of the biggest the city had ever seen. It was five storeys tall, with elegant balconies that looked down onto the first floor which had the largest dance-floor in the entire building.

The subsequent levels had their own smaller dancing areas as well as their own bars, and on the third and fourth floors there were also a few privacy booths. The fourth floor featured a detached, slightly elevated area that was called the purple room. It was separated by impenetrable glass walls that used thick dark curtains to conceal whatever was going on within. Then there was the hidden fifth floor, which encompassed an office area that was concealed behind tinted glass and that oversaw everything.

Dominic had kept the entire third and fourth floor reserved for Jade's birthday party.

I had just come off the phone with some of our security stationed at the venue, ensuring that everything was going as it should when I spotted Dominic. He had a calm expression on his face as he walked towards the eastern gate of the residence, purple jacket in hand.

"Ready for tonight? You're looking rather spirited," I noted, as he approached me in the foyer.

"Mmmnnn," Dominic grumbled an unintelligible reply before quickly updating me on his recent call with Commissioner Edgehill.

It seemed like there had been two more deaths linked to the Cartel's cocaine and Thomas was a bit worried. But Dominic had assured him that we had dealt with the source of the problem. Unfortunately, there were drugs that had been previously bought and distributed still lingering out in the streets. Drugs that we had no way of getting our hands on, so we could only hope that there would not be any more bodies in the coming weeks while the last of those supplies ran out.

Dominic then asked, "Did Tolstoy put the remaining Mexican girls to work?"

While we may have disposed of the Mexican women who had engaged in distributing the Cartel's cocaine, Dominic had spared the lives of those who had obeyed him. As upon coming to work in Aelbank City, he had specifically expressed to them what would happen should they try to go behind his back and deal drugs for their boss.

Though they may have belonged to the Sonora Cartel, since they were coming to work in Aelbank City they were supposed to adhere to our rules. Therefore, the remaining Mexican women were given a choice to either return to Mexico or stay and work for Aleksandr, where they were to be treated fairly.

In the end, the women chose to stay, knowing fully well that only death awaited them if they had decided to return to José. They had a chance at a new life, one where they would have control over what happened to them.

With a slight nod of my head, I replied, "Yes, he was only too happy to redistribute them among the various brothels."

"Of course, he was..." Dominic said while tilting his head to the side before he suddenly commented, "Wait, is that a tie you're wearing?"

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