Ch. 31 - The Sweetest Taboo

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"Choke me, it's the only way I learn..."

- Jade

Chapter 31 - The Sweetest Taboo

▪️Q U I N T I N▪️

These last few weeks had been nothing short of blissful.

While Vincent had expressed not having any problem in wanting to be out and open about our relationship, I of course, had some reservations.

Thankfully, he had not been upset when I voiced my concerns, letting him know that I wanted to keep things more discreet. At least for the time being.

It was not that I was ashamed of him or anything. Fuck no!

If I was being honest with myself, I was still a bit nervous about how the other mafia heads would have looked at us. Well, more so Vincent than myself. I loved him so much and did not want to be the reason his reputation got tarnished.

After all, Vincent was such a respected and well-known man within the mafia world.

Men like him usually had multiple women and or a wife. From my knowledge, there were no high-ranking mafia officials in an openly gay relationship. I was not naïve to think that such powerful men did not engage in such things, but to be out in the open about it was another thing.

Homosexualism was still somewhat taboo among our circles.

The irony of their hypocrisy was not lost on me. Why was it alright to fuck other men on the down-low, but to be in a relationship with one was still seen as a distasteful?

It made no sense, but that was just the way our society worked. At the end of the day, even though we were living in a more modern and liberal time, there were some outdated types of dogmas that unfortunately remained intact.

This reason, mainly, was why I did not feel comfortable flaunting my relationship with Vincent out in public.

But like Jade and Dominic, who were also hiding their own relationship for different reasons, Vincent and I found ways to subtly interact with each other in public while our eyes silently communicated.

It was a bit of a rush really, hiding in plain sight.

Having Vincent not force me about wanting to come out in the open only made me love him even more. He was such a patient man and an even more understanding partner. To him, once I still loved him, that was all that mattered, even if deep down I knew that he was eager to show the world that we were together.

Sure, what we were doing may have been considered wrong by many.

But I loved him and he loved me and if that was wrong then fuck the world. What we shared was the sweetest taboo and I would not trade our love for anything.

The sound of Raeni's Jamaican accent pulled me from my thoughts.

"Small up yuhself," she said with a smile while moving to sit next to me in the circular booth.

I was only too happy to oblige, making room for her. This meant that I had to squeeze myself closer to Vincent, our legs rubbing together. I enjoyed the heat of his body, the scent of his cologne tantalising my senses.

We were taking part in an impromptu meeting that was about to take place in one of the large booths located at the back of an Irish pub. It was shaping up to be an ordinary Friday night and James was throwing one of his usual get togethers.

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