Ch. 32 - Girl On Fire

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"And they say we women have
no place in the mafia. Ha!"

- Raeni

Chapter 32 - Girl On Fire

▪️Q U I N T I N▪️

Things were relatively quiet on the mafia front.

Even though Vincent and I had decided to keep our relationship a secret, that did not mean that love within our circle of friends was lacking. And I was not even talking about Jade and Dominic, but another surprising development.

Love was definitely in the air and the news of James and Blaire's engagement had come as a complete shock to everyone!

No one would have thought that playboy James O'Doherty would have been the first to get married. This was James we were talking about after all! Although since he had been in a steady relationship with Blaire for the last two years, I could not say that I was really surprised.

One thing I knew about James, when he was serious about something, he did not play around! From the moment he started fooling around with Blaire she had been the only woman on his arm, as well as in his bed.

Their announcement party was being held at one of Aelbank City's more popular hotels.

This gathering was strictly for mafia-related friends, but there would be another engagement party with their family and close friends next week. Tonight's get-together was taking place in a tall and opulent building located on a busy boulevard, almost in the centre of the metropolis.

James had rented out a section of one of the extravagant restaurants located on the ground floor. The walls were all made of glass, giving us a lovely street view, as the area had historic buildings surrounding it.

There was a long rectangular table, which would sit the mafia heads and a few others. It could hold at least thirty guests, while everyone else sat around smaller, rounded tables. The area was also nicely decorated to illustrate the occasion, and there was a big banner that read 'James & Blaire are Engaged!' which was placed behind the large table just above where the lovely couple was sitting.

When Dominic and Jade entered into the designated area, I did a double take. Jade looked like a sultry gangster wearing a black tuxedo dress, but what really caught my attention was that of the Calvetti mafia boss.

Tonight, he wore a pewter-coloured suit with black lapels and a maroon shirt. A stark contrast to his usually purple attire.

There was a big grin on Jade's face as her eyes found mine and I sent her a silent greeting in the form of a wink with a smirk of my own. However, my attention was pulled back to the table as Raeni continued to argue with James, her melodic voice echoing off the walls.

She clearly did not care if it was his special night, if she thought he was being reckless, she would let her opinion be known.

"I don't like how open this area is, James. Why didn't you let us throw you a party at one of our establishments? We'd have been safer, especially since there's alcohol involved! Not to mention now with the Cartel's cocaine reappearing in the streets, who knows where in the city they or their spies might be!" Raeni stated with a serious look on her face.

Leaning back in his seat, James smiled broadly, "Come on, Raeni, relax! The glass is bullet proof and we're surrounded by how many bodyguards? Sure, there's alcohol, but I doubt every last one of us will get drunk. We'll be fine! Besides, what's the point in us having all this power and money if we can't live life how we want?"

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