Ch. 20 - Advice From Jade

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"Why not just tell him the truth?"

- Jade

Chapter 20 - Advice From Jade

▪️Q U I N T I N▪️

Two days later, Jade laid on my bed as she watched me pace back and forth in front of my balcony doors. I could not get Vincent's question out of my mind, and to say that I was confused would be an understatement.

After breakfast, I ended up telling Jade everything that had been going on.

That meant filling her in on the pool incident as well as the kiss Vincent and I shared when I had disappeared with him during my birthday party over a year ago. Needless to say, she gave me an earful after whacking me on the back of the head a few times.

Honestly, I was expecting more of an outburst. Even though I could see how annoyed she had been about me keeping secrets from her, I think deep down she understood why I kept her in the dark.

The sound of her voice pulled me from my trance.

"I still can't believe you lied to him! Although I'm pretty sure he didn't believe you anyway! Why not just tell him the truth?" Jade huffed at me.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe I didn't want a repeat of what happened the last time? It just doesn't make sense, J; I can't tell him how I feel!"

Rolling her eyes at me, she sat up and questioned, "And why not?"

"Because Vincent doesn't feel the same way that I feel about him! I mean shit, he's not said a single word about us for over a year and suddenly he asks me such a thing out of nowhere? Clearly it was a test of some sort," I stated while stopping to stand in front of her.

As much as I had wanted to tell Vincent that I still liked him, I was proud that I had been able to keep my emotions in and hold my ground.

Even if Jade had her theories that things would have gone differently this time, I did not feel as secure. At the end of the day, how could I be sure that Vincent would not have reacted the same way as before.

That uncertainty alone was what made me hold myself back.

Hopefully, Vincent bought my act and if he did not, well, I was leaving things in his hands. It would be up to him to initiate the next move and by that I did not mean with cryptic questions.

Shaking my head, I looked into Jade's eyes and said, "Listen, if Vincent wants me to believe that he truly desires me and this isn't some kind of test, then he needs to be clearer in what he's trying to say. I will need him to come outright and tell me, because you and I both know that I'm definitely not going to make the first move, I just can't!"

Thrashing about the bed, she exclaimed, "Oh my fucking God! For someone with your intellect you can be such an idiot sometimes, I swear! It's like I've been saying all morning, that man has feelings for you!"

I scoffed at the idea, "You're ridiculous."

"Am I though? Besides, he specifically said not to waste your time pursuing him, not that he doesn't like you."

"What's the difference?"

"Read between the lines, Quin!" Jade threw her hands up and continued, "Seriously, and I thought I was stubborn! Come on! After everything that's happened between you two, especially now that I know he's kissed you, I think you should just come out right and confess your feelings."

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