Ch. 34 - To The Aisle

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"She's like a ray of sunshine,
mixed with a bit of hurricane..."

- Blaire

Chapter 34 - To The Aisle

▪️Q U I N T I N▪️

"Quin? Are you ready?" Jade asked while waving a hand in front my face.

I was sitting on a lounge chair in the large living room of James' condo. Jade had wanted to check in on Blaire and spend some time with her. It had been three days since the shooting incident and even though Blaire said that she was alright, it was more than obvious that she was still shaken up by the incident.

After running some errands, I came to meet them.

Jade had insisted that I accompanied them to the bridal shop for their 4pm appointment. I was not feeling in the mood but Blaire had begged, claiming that she needed me to be there to give an unbiased opinion. I knew that getting out of the house would help distract her so with a sigh I had relented.

While they went to freshen up, I flipped through the sports channels on the big flat screen television.

At some point I zoned out.

My mind had been preoccupied with thoughts of Vincent. Ever since he had come home that night after Blaire and James' engagement party, there was something off about him. He had confided in my about what Dominic had asked of him, and for the last few days, I felt as though Vincent might have been pulling away from me a bit.

This morning, he had been quiet, more so than usual and I tried not to overthink things. I knew that he had a lot on his mind, especially with trying to find the Road Crows, but a part of me could not help but panic at how distant he was being.

What if he wanted to break up with me?

It was not an unrealistic thought, especially given how concerned he was about something happening to me. The shootout had rattled him slightly but I assured him that I would be careful. After all, given our line of work, it was honestly conceited to think that we would go unscathed forever.

Every day that we stepped out the door, we were never certain to return home.

Hell, no one was; that was life.

On top of him worrying about me, his conversation with Dominic had clearly left him upset and I understood for if Jade had asked that of me, I did not know what I would do.

Vincent had always been a man of control, but these last few days, seeing him as withdrawn as he was, I honestly could not help but panic slightly. I felt helpless; all I wanted to do was assure him that everything would be alright.

At the sound of Jade's voice, I shook my head and refocused on my surroundings.

"Quin? What's wrong? Are you still worried about Vincent? I told you, everything will be alright..." Jade said as she softly knelt beside me.

Moving to sit on the arm of the chair, Blaire asked in a hushed tone, "What's going on?"

"Quintin here thinks that Vincent is going to break up with him," Jade answered with a sigh.

"I didn't say that!"

"But you were thinking it though!" she countered.

I hated that she knew me so well, but I refused to let Jade know that she was dead on with her assumption. For right now at least, I was perfectly content with denying my fears because it just was not the time to focus on such things.

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