Ch. 2 - Purple Haired Brat

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"I'd let that sexy Russian
do whatever he wants to me."

- Blaire

Chapter 2 - Purple Haired Brat

▪️Q U I N T I N▪️

"Remind me again why we have to pick up Blaire tonight?" Jee-min asked.

Holding in a chuckle, I replied, "Because it's Jade's birthday party and if we don't allow one of her best friends to come, she'll throw a fit?"

"I really don't get paid enough for this," he grumbled.

Though I loved Jade to death, I did not know what I would have done had I been assigned to be her bodyguard. But given how close the two of us were, there was no way that I could objectively protect her, and I knew this.

Jee-min and I were down in the underground garage overseeing the packing of a few crates into four of Dominic's SUVs.

My eyes skimmed over some of the items before the lids were closed, watching while the man carefully packed the guns into their respective boxes. There were MP7s, MP5s, MG3s, as well as a few other weapons.

We got a lot of our guns from Aleksandr Tolstoy, and though the Aelbank Russian mafia boss had great contacts back in Russia, Dominic had his own connections with other arms dealers. In fact, Dominic was particularly fond of doing business with the Germans, stating that their engineering was top notch. As such, he used many of their weapons to supply his own men with.

Personally, the MP7 was my absolute favourite.

Just thinking about the Heckler & Koch MP7A1 had my mind drifting to the man who taught me everything I knew about the firearm.

Vincent usually walked around with a pair of them, and I had to do my best not to get aroused by remembering the way he looked whenever he held his weapons. He was so efficient with the MP7, and the fact that it could shoot off almost 1000 rounds per minute only added to his appeal in my opinion.

It was as though thinking about Vincent summoned him, for he suddenly appeared on the other side of the garage and walked towards us.

"Change of plans, everyone! This shipment won't be going out right away. Jee-min, Dominic wants you in his office right now, the rest of you, head down to the courtyard," he commanded, his deep voice echoing off the garage walls.

I turned to follow the other men, while Jee-min headed towards the elevator, but Vincent pressed a hand to my chest, stopping my movements.

"Not you..."

I did my best to control my breathing, ignoring how good his palm felt against my upper torso.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"I was just about to ask you that," he commented while removing his hand.

My brows creased slightly as I fumbled, "W-what?"

"I've been meaning to talk to you, Quintin. You've been distracted lately, something on your mind? You know that you can come to me about anything, right?" Vincent stated.

I almost balked at his words, but thankfully, I manged to keep my face expressionless.

The fact that Vincent noticed that I had not been as attentive as I usually was made my stomach queasy. I really needed to pull myself together and as such, I made a mental note to have a better handle on my emotions as the last thing I needed was Vincent thinking that I was not capable of doing the tasks assigned to me.

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