Ch. 29 - Breaking The Habit

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"Oh please, it's never
too early for violence..."

- Jade

Chapter 29 - Breaking The Habit

▪️Q U I N T I N▪️

"I still can't believe Jade bought you a sex toy..." Vincent murmured against my neck.

His soft lips left heated kisses across my skin, making me wish that we could have spent the day in bed. Spending the night in Vincent's arms had been a dream come true and waking up next to him was something that I could see myself doing for the rest of my life.

My entire body was completely sore and with each step that I took I remembered how Vincent had claimed me for himself over and over. Even though I ached, I would not hesitate to let Vincent bend me over right here and now.

The scent of his cologne surrounded me as he pinned me against the wall. Fuck I just loved how he smelled; it had always been a turn on for me. At the moment, I wanted nothing more than to beg Vincent to fuck me again, but we both had things to do today.

Squirming against him, I teased, "Wait a minute... Don't tell me you're jealous of Vibrating Vincent?"

Pulling back to look down at me, I got lost in his brown eyes as he replied, "Considering it's eleven inches long, maybe..."

"I told you, I've never taken more than six of those inches and we both know that you're a lot bigger than that..."

Leaning forward to rub his nose against mine, he whispered, "Maybe you can show me how you use it sometime?"

My breathing hitched at his question, but the following words out of his mouth had me choking as my brain projected an image that caused my body to tremble with excitement.

"And who knows, maybe you can use it on me?"

Stammering, I tried to find my voice as I gasped his name, "Vincent..."


"Would you really let me?"

Locking his eyes with mine, he replied, "You should know by now, Quin, I'd do anything for you."

God! How was he so perfect?

I grabbed Vincent by the back of the neck and pulled his face down to mine. Our lips crashed together and we groaned into each other's mouth as we hungrily attacked each other. There were so many things I wanted to explore with him and I honestly could not wait.

Feeling his right-hand trail down my naked torso forced me to wrench my lips free as I threw my head back against the wall and closed my eyes. The fingers of his left hand tugged on my hair, angling my neck so that he could leave little love bites while his right hand found their way into my pants, gripping my arousal.

"Fuck yea, right there..." I moaned before my lips were devoured in a heated kiss.

I should have been getting dressed for work, but I was lost in a soul-searing kiss that was stealing my breath and I could not tear myself away from his addictive lips. We were so caught up in each other that we did not realise someone was approaching the door until it was too late.

"Quin, you won't believe how amazing last night..." Jade said as she barged into my bedroom, her words faltering at the sight before her, "...Was."

There, in front of her, I stood pinned against the wall.

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