Ch. 25 - All On Me

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"The two of you fucking would
be so hot, I'd pay to watch!"

- Blaire

Chapter 25 - All On Me

▪️Q U I N T I N▪️

"It's not funny, Jade!"

Even as the words left my mouth, my best friend's amusement only seemed to increase. Of course, it was no surprise that she was getting off on my despair. I often wondered why I even bothered telling Jade anything.

Damn sadist!

Her melodic yet scandalous laughter was certainly not helping. Especially when it seemed to echo about the large room with such an addictive pitch that almost had my own lips twitching.

"Can you stop laughing now? This is serious..." I pouted.

The sound of Jade trying to catch her breath could be heard from behind the curtain of the dressing room, before she inhaled deeply then exhaled. I could easily picture the expression on her face, her cheeks all red.

"God, I can't believe I said those things to Vincent last night!" I complained while sitting in the waiting area.

"I'm glad that you did! He deserved to know what your feelings were regarding the situation!" Jade responded.

We were at one of her favourite boutiques trying to find a dress. Apparently, Vincent was planning a special birthday dinner for Jade to enjoy with Dominic. Which, in my opinion, was so incredibly sweet!

The gesture made me fall even more in love with him.

Naturally, Jade had been ecstatic when she found out and had dragged Blaire and myself along with her, claiming that she had nothing to wear.

Understatement of the year!

Jade had more than enough clothes, but she claimed that she wanted something extra special for tonight. Either way, it was Jade's birthday so, there was no refusing her.

"Maybe he'll believe that I was drunk and just not bring it up. Fuck, I'm so embarrassed!"

No, embarrassed did not even begin to describe what I felt.

There was also an uncomfortable and stifling disbelief at my actions from last night. I still could not fathom what made me react that way, not that I did not think that he deserved it.

But such behaviour was more Jade's thing than mine.

Chuckling next to me, Blaire bumped her shoulder against mine and said, "Relax, Q, everything will be fine."

"Fine? Did you not hear how I spoke to him?"

"Oh, I did! And the question; Does it matter where I stick my cock?–Yea... That was my favourite line. Like damn, I could only imagine the look on his face when you said that!" Blaire grinned.

"Right? I bet Vincent wanted to stick his cock in that pouty mouth of yours" Jade teased as she came out of the dressing room.

As I was about to scold her for her comment, my words died in my throat as I turned to look at her. My eyes widened as I observed the way the black bardot dress showed off the smooth and delicate skin of her shoulders and neck. The fitted midi dress clung to Jade's body, displaying all her curves before ending with a frill hem around her calves.

"This is the one!" Blaire shrieked out while I nodded in agreement.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Jade asked, "You think Dom will like it?"

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