Ch. 40 - Gonna Raise Hell

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"She'll never belong to another,  
Jade is mine!"

- Dominic

Chapter 40 - Gonna Raise Hell

▪️V I N C E N T▪️

I kissed Quintin's forehead as he slept cuddled against me.

Gently easing myself away from his body, I got out of bed and tucked the covers around him then quietly changed into my suit before exiting the bedroom. I did not want to leave the comfort of feeling Quintin pressed against me, but I had to go check up on Dominic and see how he was holding up.

The last twenty-four hours had been intense and I had never seen Dominic this way.

To be honest, I was really worried about him. It was one thing to have to be there for Quintin, he was more rational where expressing his emotions was concerned. Dealing with Dominic, however, required a more delicate approach as I could not be sure what would trigger him.

With hurried steps, I made my way towards the stairs, needing to check up on my best friend who I knew needed me now more than ever. Of course, I would not smother him, but it was obvious to me that he enjoyed my presence, especially given the current situation.

I kept myself hidden as I peeked through the crack of the office door, not wanting to just barge in on him. I sighed softly upon realising that Dominic had not left the room since his phone call with José earlier today.

In silence, I watched as he paced furiously back and forth in front of the large windows adorning his office. It was clear from the tortured look on his face that he was thinking about Jade. She was all that Quintin could think about as well, so I could only imagine how bad things were for Dominic.

Lord alone knew what I would have done if Quintin had been taken from me.

Without Jade at his side, Dominic was a different man, a dangerous man, more so than he ever was. Marching about the room, he moved like there was a hurricane within him.

It was as though his brain was in overdrive as he energetically moved his limbs about. His blue eyes were wild, and every time Dominic paused by the window, he would immediately start fidgeting in one place.

Dominic's squirming would increase to the point that he would explode and suddenly shout out incoherent words before pacing again, his mind seemingly reeling.

"Fuck..." I murmured softly.

I was watching a man on the brink of madness.

Another scream tore through Dominic as his eyes frantically scanned the room. For a split second, his gaze locked with mine through the small opening by the door.

Remaining where I stood, I waited for Dominic to react.

He sighed and his breathing began to even out and I noticed that he moved his hand to touch the charm bracelet that remained secure in the right pocket of his pants.

However, Dominic's moment of calm only lasted a few seconds before he let out another frustrated shout and tightly gripped his silvery white hair with his other hand. Huffing, he then picked up his half-empty whiskey glass from the desk and threw it at the wall.

I decided right there that it was time to intervene and guardedly entered the room.

Dominic's face was tense, his eyes were bloodshot, and his usually well-kept hair was messy from having had his fingers repeatedly threaded through it. Even though he was used to having unusual sleeping patterns, the lack of sleep these past twenty-four hours was obviously due to a different reason

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