Ch. 30 - Truly Madly Deeply

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"Fuck's sake, Vincent
I already gave you thirty minutes!"

- Dominic

Chapter 30 - Truly Madly Deeply

▪️V I N C E N T▪️

There was a slight smirk on my face as I left Quintin's bedroom.

With quick strides, I headed downstairs towards Dominic's office on the main floor.

It pained me to leave the confines of his embrace as I wanted nothing more than to spend the day in bed with Quintin. I was addicted to him as much as he was to me.

In all my thirty-nine years, I had never felt so drawn to another person.

I physically ached to be near him, as though finally confessing how we felt last night unleashed a dam of pent-up emotions. Even if we had not spoken the words, the love between us was undeniable. I found myself wanting to explore new things with him, not to mention wanting to try things that I had never envisioned myself doing before.

Just remembering the way his eyes widened last night when I told him I would be open to him topping me was enough to make me want to go back and politely steal him from Jade.

Quintin's body was so responsive, as was mine for him.

In fact, had Jade not interrupted us, I did not think that I would have made it to my morning meeting. Something like that had never happened before and I just knew that Dominic would not have let me hear the end of it.

With a soft laugh, my mind shifted to my best friend and his love life.

Having seen the bright eyes of Jade, the slight flush of her skin, and the exposed love bites on her neck, I knew without a doubt that her night had gone exceptionally well. Coupled with the fact that Dominic had not been on my ass for the morning already was proof that Jade was changing him, even if just a little.

Of course, I was more than happy to see my old friend opening up and allowing himself to experience new things. Given what we had endured as young children, especially him, I knew that trusting people was almost impossible for him.

Watching my best friend give in to his emotions was like watching a man getting his freedom after being locked away for decades.

There was just something about Jade that seemed to allow Dominic to have a bit of liberty. Releasing himself from some of that self-inflicted punishment that he had been subjecting himself to for years.

"Jade is most definitely Dom's absolution," I said softly.

These last two years had been interesting to say the least. Watching Dominic and Jade fight their attraction for each other had been nothing short of hilarious at certain instances.

Even though I had known the man for over two decades, in all that time I had never seen him smile the way he did when he thought no one was looking. I never thought that Dominic, of all people, would be one to ever feel such romantic emotions.

Truthfully, I simply had not thought him capable of such things.

It was to be expected, given the shit he had been through. Having been by his side for as many years as I had, I was privy to the way in which the harshness of the world helped to mould him into the unpredictable and violent man everyone knew today.

But deep down, I always knew that there was more to Dominic than the vicious monster he showed to the world.

We had been roommates at the boarding school, and though he had been younger than me he would be the one to provide comfort during some of our darkest days. A real monster would not have bothered himself with the likes of me.

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