Ch. 6 - Something I Am Not

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"I'm Irish and Catholic,
my picture is in the dictionary
next to the word guilt."

- James

Chapter 6 - Something I Am Not

▪️V I N C E N T▪️

When Quintin left the room, I adjusted myself in my chair.

I knew that I needed to talk to Dominic more seriously. I did not like the way he handled things with Jade. Granted, I knew that she could be intentionally aggravating, but the way he exploded only served to give more credibility to my theory.

Dominic was jealous.

Sitting up straighter, I asked, "Don't you think that you might have been a bit too harsh on her?"

Making a clicking sound with his mouth, Dominic replied, "She's a woman, they usually get over these things."

I wanted to tell him how incorrect that statement was. But I figured in time, he would realise just how very wrong he had been. Most women, as I had observed, tended to hold on to things for a very long time.

After all, the infamous proverb Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned did not just appear out of thin air.

Shaking my head, I scoffed, "Unbelievable..."

"What?" Dominic questioned as he sat back at his desk, "You know how I am."

"Oh yes, you don't have to remind me," I replied with a slightly raised eyebrow before continuing, "I just think that you should hurry and make a decision where Jade is concerned."

He shuffled some papers, his eyes focused on the images printed as he replied, "And what decision might that be?"

Leaning forward in my seat, I stated, "Come on, Dominic, she's been with us since she was six years old! She's going to be a target whether she's with us or not. I mean, we could set her up with the son of a Don from one of the mafia families from the neighbouring cities once she's graduated from university. Some have already expressed interest in wanting to form an alliance through marriage, but I know that you have feelings for h–"

Cutting me off, Dominic fired back defensively, "Don't even finish that sentence! I do not have feelings for her!"

Who was he fooling?

Maybe the rest of the world bought his act, but I certainly did not.

The words nearly slipped out of my mouth, but thankfully, I caught them in time. I did not want to make him feel as though I was attacking him; that would get us nowhere. So, instead, I decided to try another approach.

Showing him the truth.

"Right... Yet you've let her get away with so many things these last few weeks. Not even I have the privileges that she does, and I've seen you shoot men for much less. Not to mention she's the only one you actually let touch you. Like really touch you. I've seen her bare hands caressing your face for crying out loud!" I paused, then lowered my voice, "Could you imagine if that sort of information got out?"

Exhaling, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. I observed the pained expression that came across his face while listening to my words.

I knew that he knew I was right.

Dominic knew better than anyone that a person's weakness could be used as leverage.

The crease of his brows deepened and it was obvious that he was struggling with his thoughts. I just hoped that he would listen to what I was trying to tell him.

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