Ch. 41 - In Comforting Arms

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"The sorrow of death
shows proof of love..."

- Vincent

Chapter 41 - In Comforting Arms

▪️Q U I N T I N▪️

Blaire's funeral hit harder than expected.

I knew that I would be sad, but I was not prepared for the almost crippling sensation I felt as I watched her coffin being lowered into the ground.

The reality of the situation had finally hit me when the sound of the dirt thumping against the top of the coffin reached my ears. Blaire's mother had cried and screamed for the loss of her only child. She had blamed James, cursing him for entering their lives, asking him why had he not protected Blaire like he had promised to.

Even though her words were not directed at me, I felt as if they were, and I watched as James stood there silently and took each and every accusation she hurled at him.

"What a fucking day this has been..." I said softly.

Sighing, I stood on the bedroom's balcony, leaning against the stone railing, I looked down at the pool, admiring the way in which the light of the moon danced across the calm water as I continued to reminisce about how heavy the day had felt.

Death was a part of our world and no matter how much one prepared for it, it always came as a shock, especially when it knocked unexpectedly on our doors. It was blatantly obvious that Blaire's death could have been avoided.

Vincent had repeatedly told me not to blame myself, but a part of me felt partially responsible in that, had I been more attentive to Jade's behaviour, I might have been able to stop them from acting recklessly. There were so many scenarios playing over in my head, wondering what could have been done to change things.

It had been almost a week since Jade had been kidnapped and I knew that she would have wanted to be with us today. But given her disappearance and the uncertainty of when she would return, Blaire's family could not wait and had decided to go ahead with the funeral.

James had insisted on paying for everything.

The man was like a ghost of his former self and I almost did not recognise him when I saw him this morning.

On top of being silent for the entire ceremony, it was hard to ignore the way his bloodshot eyes were slightly sunken. Not to mention, just from looking at the lines on his haggard face, one could clearly see the anguish he felt.

Today was probably the worst day of his life, having to watch that coffin disappear into the ground. Not only had he lost his future wife, but his unborn child as well. However, as sad as things might be, I had to have hope that things for James would be alright.

Maybe not right now, but perhaps sometime in the future. He deserved to be happy again.

"Fuck..." I muttered to myself.

Things were really messed up; it was hard to wrap my head around it as I felt like what happened to James and Blaire was not fair! How was it that things could be going so perfectly and within a matter of seconds have everything ripped away?

It was a reminder that we should not take things for granted and to live our lives to the fullest, for we never knew when it would be our time to go.

The sudden feel of Vincent's arms around me pulled me from my thoughts.

"Come to bed..."

I shivered as he murmured the words against the side of my neck, his lips gently kissing the exposed skin.

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