Ch. 5 - Lean On Me

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"I really am getting too old for this!"

- Dominic

Chapter 5 - Lean On Me

▪️Q U I N T I N▪️

The ride back to the Calvetti residence was quiet.

But it was not the usual silence which I often enjoyed while driving with Vincent. There was a tension between us, or rather an awkwardness, at least from my side.

Having Vincent see me in such a compromising position had been embarrassing and I could not even begin to imagine what he was thinking. I mean, it was not uncommon for men from the Calvetti mafia to get serviced at Aleksandr's brothels.

Shit, even Dominic could be found frequenting the establishments.

Although, if the rumours were to be believed, his tastes were a bit strange, especially given his aversion for being touched.

Nonetheless, I cared what Vincent thought about me.

From our interactions over the years, I knew that he respected me. I could tell from the approving look in his eyes. He was someone I had always looked up to and I wanted to make him proud, especially by proving myself within the Calvetti mafia.

Vincent was always a man who exuded refinery, he would never be caught with his pants down like I just was.

Fuck! What was I thinking?

I hoped that tonight's incident would not change anything between us.

Just the thought of disappointing Vincent was more than enough to cause my arousal to shrivel up. After fixing myself in the bathroom, I met Vincent who was already sitting in the car.

He said nothing as we drove off. Shit, I did not even notice him looking at me.

Thankfully, Vincent made no comments and when we arrived back at the Calvetti residence, we made our way to Dominic's office.

From the moment we sat down, Dominic began talking about the shipment for the Albanians. I was happy to be included in such an important meeting, I felt that it meant that my worth was beginning to get recognised.

About half an hour later, I could hear Jade shouting from the corridor.

A few moments after that, she barged into the office, ignoring Vincent and myself as she slammed her palm down on the desk, a glare on her face as she focused all of her attention on the Calvetti mafia boss.

Damn, she was brave.

"Seriously, Dominic? No kissing on the first date? What the hell!" Jade all but screamed in his face.

Vincent and I looked at each other knowingly and cleared our throats. 

We knew what was about to happen but unfortunately, we did not dare get up and leave. We shifted in our seats, keeping our expressions stoic while pressing our lips into thin lines. I knew that he wanted to laugh as much as I did, but we would not, at least not right now.

Exhaling calming, Dominic replied casually, "It's for your own protection. Now if you'll excuse me, I was in the middle of something very important."

From the tone of his voice, I could tell that Dominic was trying to keep his anger in check.

"You need to remember that you aren't a little child anymore, Jade. You can't just waltz into the middle of my meetings when you feel like it, it's not cute at this age."

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