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~Arishfa POV~

'Good Morning Aru!' I say to myself. Well today is Monday morning and all of us know it's not the best morning at all, so I trick myself into making a "Good morning" by saying it to myself. Funny me. I quickly get off my bed and slip into my comfy slippers. I finish my morning routine and run downstairs.

Jaan - Morning! Sid is leaving soon today so he asked me to tell you a good morning from him too.
Aru - Where is Reem?
Jaan - Well....she is a bit sick. She's having a tired morning.

Jaan sighs walking over to the kitchen counter. She takes a plate with my chocolate croissant and keeps it on the dining table.

Jaan - Here is your usual fav breakfast!
Aru - Thanks Jaan!

I go into Reem's room and see her massaging her temples with her fingers. She might have got a headache too. She is always an active, cheerful girl so when I see her tired I feel incomplete and upset. She really is our shining star.

Aru - Hey...
Reem - Hi. in a hoarse voice
Aru - I'll be back with an aspirin. I can't stand seeing you like this.
Reem - Thanks... with a weak smile in a hoarse voice

After few minutes

I got Reem an aspirin and she is taking it. How do I help her? I want her back to her normal self this very instant! Well maybe...talking about her crush might cheer her up a bit; at least a bit.

Aru - You spoke to Jai? If he comes to know that you are sick he will be here this instant.
Reem - I didn't speak to him...of course! And he cares for me; as a friend, so sure he will come                        here this instant.
Aru - sighs Oh come on gurl! Cheer up will you?! I hate seeing you like this!
Reem chuckles and asks me to go out of the room so that she can get ready for school. She at least cheered up a bit.

After half-an-hour

Jaan - Ok girls let's go!
We got out of the house and Jaan locked it. We walked to the gate and a luxurious red car stopped in front of us. The window of the backseat slid down and I saw Avneet.

Avni - Come in!
Jaan and I quickly seat ourselves in the backseat with Avni. Jai opens the front-seat door for Reem to get in.

~Reem's POV~

Jai - You can't fit there. he says pointing to the backseat
          You will have to sit here.

I rolled my eyes and when my eyes land on him I see him looking towards the windscreen and....smirking?!?! I am confused! But anyways I sit on the seat and close the door.
He suddenly leans towards me and I am shocked? panic? or the space between us is too small? I don't know why but my heart skipped a beat. And then he pulls the seat belt and clicks it. Phew!
But before he gets comfortable in his seat he whispers in my ears.

Jai - You look beautiful today. smiles at me and moves back to his seat

My heart is pounding harder every second and I feel like it might pop out. It feels a bit hard to breathe. But soon I calm myself down. Did the girls even notice this?!? They are literally in their own world talking about their classes. Well I am younger than them (except for Arishfa) so I can't really join that talk and I won't; those talks are just booorrringgg!

I have uploaded Reem's outfit on the top!

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