Chapter 3

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~Reem's POV~

I was cleaning the storage of my phone when I had the main door open and close with a bang. To say that I am panicking would be an understatement. I was so scared and worried. So I went out of my room to check anyways with lots of situations in my mind of what could happen. I moved further to get a view of the main door and I saw Aru curled up near the door. I quickly ran to her and crouched down to her level.

Reem - What happened Aru?
Aru - ... stays quiet
Reem - ARU!!
Aru - huh?
Reem - tears fill her eyes  What happened?
Aru - hey don't cry hugs Reem  I was just tired from running. You know I am scared of the dark right?
Reem - Yes...
Aru - The street light went off so I panicked and ran...nothing to worry about
Reem - wipes her tears and glares at Aru  Are you lying to me? Now we are keeping secrets?
Aru - sighs  I-I am s-so s-sor-ry... bursts into tears

She tells me about everything that happened and I don't know what I feel. It's all blank. I calm her down asking her to just forget it and asked her to freshen up. I take the bag from the side which has all the groceries and take it to the kitchen. I keep everything in its place and call Jaan to come home as it's late but she said that she would sleep over there. Well, then I'll make some noodles for dinner.


~Aru's POV~

I finished eating noodles. I take the plate to the sink and wash it. I bid goodnight to Reem and go to my room. I flop on my comfy bed and close my eyes, his image pops and I open my eyes. I feel so lost in his eyes, I feel him so familiar and close yet far. I'm not able to put my finger on it. I get comfortable on my bed and wrap myself under my fluffy blanket. My eyes soon feel drowsy and I'm pulled into the relaxing darkness of sleep.


~Sid's POV~

I enter the house quietly and I find Reem sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone. Why didn't she sleep? And where is Aru? Jannu might have slept, she is very punctual about her sleep.

Sid - Reem...
Reem - Sid bhai! Come I will heat some noodles for you, I cooked it so don't expect it to taste like Jannu's.
Sid - Why are you still awake? And where are Jannu and Aru?
Reem - Jannu is in Avni's house for a project, she will be staying there tonight and Aru is sleeping.
Sid - What are you doing up then?
Reem - Bhai she whines like a baby  I didn't feel sleepy and I was waiting for you too.

After eating I order Reem to sleep and she goes to her room. I go to my room and place my bag near my study table's chair. I see a paper with a sticky note on it, "Bhai can you please sign this for me and Jannu!" it says on the note. I read the paper and understood that this was an entry for the Mahabaleshwar trip Jai was talking about. I sign the papers and quietly tip-toe into Aru's room. I place the papers on her table and place her phone on top of it. I look at her sleeping peacefully and I can't help but think what would happen when she and the girls find out the secret between Jai, Fais, and me. I smile bitterly and caress her face. I walk out of her room quietly and go into mine. 

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